Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera power leveling we published last year median incomes of urban and rural residents - CKT

129788454864062500_110Statistics: most of the population whose income is less than the average income Today at 10 o'clock in the morning, the State Statistics Bureau held a press conference, introduced by spokesman sheng says first quarter macroeconomic data and question and answer session. Sheng says in answer to why income growth and when people don't feel the same problem saying tera gold, why you don't feel tera power leveling, with distribution of income-related. Per capita income lower than the average income for most residents. It is not a normal distribution, and does notState distribution. To help you understand the issue, we began last year, publish median incomes of urban and rural residents. Below the average of the median. The median is from high to low income arrangement. Median income is in the middle. If less than the median average income, residents earning less than the average income of more than 50%. Is the text of the following record:What say you don't feel the same, which may be related to income distribution. To explain from a statistical perspective, most of the residents ' per capita income lower than the average number, not a normal distribution, but skewed distribution. To help you understand the issue, we published last year median incomes of urban and rural residents, we continue to publish the number of digits in the first quarter of this year tera power leveling, less than the median average�� Is based on the median income of the low to high line, median income is in the middle. If you are below the average of the median, that have incomes lower than the average income of the residents of more than 50%, we feel their income level is not higher than the average. Finally again, despite the income growth of the population of a quarter of it is quite fast, but when you come fromPeriod, urban and rural incomes continued to maintain a relatively rapid growth rate of difficulty, especially rural residents, farm prices cannot always speed up in accordance with the preceding two years, migrant workers ' wage rates cannot be increased in accordance with the rate of 10% more than in recent years, how to promote urban and rural incomes, especially rural residents income continued to grow moderately fast is a very serious issue,Thank you! Others:

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