Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold dug out after the eyes - BFQ

129779512189843750_37The Huskies were brutally cut off ear wet dog curled up in the corner of the bathroom, its feet were covered with blood. Was brutally cut off the right ear of the dog, another dog, the gouged eye for sth This is not a horror film, but a suspect, qixia district, Nanjing bloggers in your space a group of dog abuse pictures. Cruel dog abuse as public outrage yesterday, the reporter onlineApril 1, a net friend published an article about cruelty to dogs of the micro-Bo, at press, the microblog content has fast forward nearly 200 times, love love dogs and cats who caused by a sob and anger tera power leveling, many users strongly requested to start human flesh search, pulling out this cold-blooded cruelty to dogs. The microblogging, a more than 40 year old woman abuse have a Husky and Teddy,And took a dog abuse of process, and upload online. "A small Husky's ears were cut off, blood everywhere, there's a Teddy eyes dug out, good horror so cruel, also said the next kill the Golden Retriever, we help human flesh to me!" The user posted the photos, the reporters saw, a small Husky only about 2 months old, sitting on the corner of the bathroom, Blood everywhere in the bathroom, little Huskies left ear was brutally cut off other VIP gouged the eye of a black, buckle neck plastic bag hanging from the shower in Sth Means of cruel, appalling. Killing three little dogs three months after opening the net friend published links, cruelty to dogs as this group is from a network named "sg001100" Baidu space users�� Space archives show that blogger is a 46 year old female, are now living in, qixia district, Nanjing. As of January 27, 2012, this person has uploaded more than 30 in its space album more of dog abuse pictures. You can see from these photos, in just 3 months, there are three small dogs were extremely cruel methods of killing. On January 27, 2012: a black VIPDogs were hanging in my bathroom, tragic bloodletting cut ears, dug out after the eyes, with sharp iron rods through the dog's tongue. On February 11, 2012: a wine red Teddy has had its head cut, after the dismembered into a small paper tray. On March 6, 2012: the person posting in the Forum said, her new keeps a small Husky, dog ate it when they grow up. Just turned 19Day, on March 27, the little Huskies were brutally abused. "Look up, too bad. "A Netizen said, they only take a little afraid to look at, because" too cruel ". Another user said, if after reading your own photos, but stayed one night. "Animals are mankind's friends, treat them like that too much. "Netizens expressed, the womanToo violent, one does not accept tera gold, and persuade them to your hand. But he was unmoved tera gold, and not only on the network continue to wantonly claiming to like child abuse the dog, also brought together a group of people of the same hobbies, open discussions of cruelty to dogs, and threatened: "you can't catch me, I spend money on dog hiding in the home dog abuse going on here? "Battered dogs from Nanjing? On release of cruelty to dogs as spaceCase, the show now live in "qixia Temple of Nanjing" but she really from Nanjing? Because this girl is essentially a luxury dog killing dog, are priced at more than $ 1000, some netizens have on the identity of the person asking "you're killing dogs and dogs are not cheap, if not to steal, then you must be very rich. "This woman then a reply said, killing the black VIPIs the home of big dog, little Huskies and Red Teddy you are spending money on dog city. "My income, and outside of each monthly mortgage and car loan, are left 5,000 yuan. "And said that this money not worth showing off in Beijing. Where on Earth is this woman? Reporters then attempts to contact the woman, but as of press did not receive her reply. Animal protectionExpected legislation in recent years, the endless stream of events such as cruelty to dogs and cats, child abuse, netizens condemn continued, many parties have been human flesh search, but why animal abuse is ongoing? Counsel points out that the reason for this is that, in addition to protected animals, there is no legal definition of abuse General animal behavior. Nanjing Xi code law firm Director Zhu Xiaofeng said, the current domesticThere is no legal protection of ordinary animals. To abuse, and killing small animals who can make moral condemnation, cannot be punished. He said, for the animal victims of frequent incidents, require to legislate for the protection of animals is also growing louder and louder. In addition, the legal profession, public order and decency of content should follow the basic network communication, too bloody content dissemination, networkingOperators should be stopped. () Others:

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