Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold 129774133149062500_143 - NHZ

129774133149062500_143On March 26, according to Housing Department, for the consolidation of the property control and prevention of power rent, recently introduced to the building with a floor area ratio regulations, helps developers control by modifying the volume of local government rates for the winter. "There are a lot of urban housing market volume recovery, due to a variety of recovery, taking into account the financial, local government policy practiceLines may appear on a series of adjustments.  "Liu Hongyu, Director of the real estate Institute of Tsinghua University in" 2012 China real estate enterprises and research results release Conference "say on. "The Housing Department in the second half is expected to start on local housing regulation enforcement inspectors.  "One person close to the Housing Department said. "Without supervision" of Beijing real estate transaction management network systemData show that as of 26th March Beijing pure commercial housing contract Number Sets for 4,700, and compared to December, turnover rose nearly 200%. On March 24, made up of hundreds of people "honesty Beijing buyers Club room of the Moon Mission" Beijing more real estate for "mapping", according to the Organization of this activity a website stakeholdersAnd organization of such activities with the participation of hundreds of people at a time, developers have a hundred thousand of dollars purchase of benefits at every turn, each room can be sold for a number of houses. Liu Hongyu, introduced, under the influence of various factors in the first quarter, focusing on controlling urban trading volumes continue to rise, "such as sales adjustment of the time difference, the price, as well as the local property market regulation and enforcementDoes not appear.  "XI Developer, who asked not to be named, relax mood of market regulation of local government is very pressing, however, Wuhu Zhongshan warning local governments can't flagrant restrictions of market regulation, and is contrary to the policy. "In this context, local government restrictions of market regulation--the second enrollment ' regulation ',On the face of it, local governments are still required to comply with the Central restriction of, price policy, but for the sake of sales, developers or violations occur, he wanted to do, as well as policy ' touch ball ' possibilities of this local Government not be regulation, punishment.  "These developers. Reporter was informed that these local governments "do not monitor" controlling the implementation of the property marketHas attracted the attention of living building. "In implementing the policies of the central authorities, if the implementation is not in place, policies can only be shelved.  "The people close to the Housing Ministry said, while regulating the behavior of local governments, short term, supervision is the key, and Ministry of housing inspector to the local government implementation of the regulation of the property market in the second half. According to the Housing Ministry recently issued 2012 key inspection of law enforcement programme of work, the real estate market regulation and supervision and inspection is one of their top priorities this year.  Housing Department of Hong Chin, Director of the Centre for policy studies in "2012 China real estate enterprises and research results release Conference", said that in 2012, the rebound in housing prices in retaliation of the subjective and objective conditions are not fulfilled, and will be under further study. To prevent "Save" DeveloperHousing Department of the volume rate of construction land management approach proposed that the place must have a floor area ratio of State-owned construction land of transfer conditions, otherwise the contract is invalid, volume rate are not allowed to modify the conditions tera gold, not to the Government meeting minutes, and other forms of unauthorized modification, must go through a public demonstration, published experts participate in demonstration, accept public supervision. The people close to the Housing Department considers that,Volume rate of new management approaches are intended to prevent local governments save developers many developers because of high prices in 2010, current prices and low price predicament of contradictions, local governments allow developers to modify volume rate is conducive to reducing premium costs, helping developers to ship. The person listed, North Star project under the price of $ 9.2 billion in Changsha Changsha new river triangleIsland block, follow the standard when you first land, the project floor Premium 3,721 Yuan/sq m. In Changsha, and after repeated communication, increased floor planning Planning Department agreed that North Star height. Under the new plan tera gold, North Star project of Changsha fell to 1671 of the floor premium Yuan/sq m. To compensate for loss of North Star, within the project of Changsha cityNetwork of Government construction contracting to the North Star. In addition, Beijing vanke Changyang peninsula project, seek an adjustment plan was approved, 03 block building control by 45 metres in height to a 60-meter, adjust volume from 2 to 2.49;04 block building control 80 metres by 60 metres in height adjustment, adjust volume from 2.2 to 2.41, which ensuresIts future of low price market "currently, live built Department has started has property regulation long-term mechanism of research work, and joint Bank, and development and Reform Commission, and land Department, more ministries common discussion how established property regulation of long-term mechanism problem," above people said, volume rate regulatory, means are also is administrative sexual regulation means tera power leveling, and to long-term solution prices rose of contradictions problem, top layer designEssential. Hong Chin, construction of long-term mechanism of real estate content is very rich, not just only a property tax, it is necessary to play the role of investment real estate in stimulating economic growth, to achieve living targets, real estate regulatory mechanism should be a combination of housing security, finance, land, finance and taxation of the integrated tools, such as a top design products.Introduction of Hong Chin, long-acting mechanism of regulation of the property market is not limited to real estate's own policy, there is behind a series of problems affecting the real estate industry development, such as land policy, financial policy, industry, industrial resource allocation and balanced urban development. "Control of the Centre of gravity of the property market had changed, and emphasized its economic function transition and social functions. "Hong Chin said, inhibit investment, Speculative demand would become housing regulation and basic principles of mechanism. "To ensure the housing needs of the urban population, is not necessarily the price drop and need common linkage of the fall in prices and income growth, that is, income distribution reform for long-term mechanism of regulation of the establishment of the property market is also very important. "I love my house Vice President Hu Jinghui" harmony and good neighborliness and low carbon and environmental protection "on the activitiesSaid. SINA music stations official Forum: Others:

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