Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling direct network report system in China - NNS

129773928472968750_77Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly comments > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: 21st century network author: Tan Tan tera power leveling, a financial commentator (information)Summary: toxic products poison the body, toxic toxic economic data, facts of the National Bureau of statistics in detail for the first time, inform the public of toxic data generation process.   Toxic products poison the body, toxic toxic economic data, the State Statistics Bureau to detail the fact that for the first time, inform the public of toxic data generation process. Process of the release of toxic data, noTechnical ability, brutal and blunt have false power. National Bureau of statistics according to report publicly disclosed for the first time, yongchuan district, Chongqing and intervention of Shanxi hejin city statistics. In November last year, Chongqing yongchuan district, issuance of documents required, enterprise networking online submissions direct reporting units a table statistics, advance business statistic reporting data for the current period, statistics agency reported to the town street orIndustrial parks or areas of urban and rural construction, land and resources and the Housing Authority, the Commission and examined by the Committee and other related trade authorities assessed only online submissions.   Practice of Shanxi hejin city even more ridiculous, recently before and after direct network report of 2011 annual report data in a table, and even issued the data directly to the enterprise to take firm root plagiarism report. Too much blind faith in technologySupremacist health technology against the dire consequences of common sense. Improved technology means no way to prevent the wrong incentives, efficient means to complement each other and correct mechanism or mechanisms that make errors more outrageous.   Internet is convenient to what extent is only faster for statistical data dissemination of false and not make fake data return true. A codeCase is that local perennial nuclear count is higher than the national GDP totals. In 2011, the country's 31 provinces, municipalities, and GDP totals 51.8 trillion to $, $ 4.6 trillion more than the State Statistical Bureau published data, equivalent to more than a total 2011 GDP in Shandong province. Same excuse excuse data differences between the national statistical office in the past year, with weight at different levels of statisticalComplex calculations tera power leveling, refused to acknowledge the existence of large areas to be honest the phenomenon of false data. On February 18 of this year tera gold, direct network report system in China, over 700,000 homes "on the three" (above-scale industrial qualification within the construction and real estate development enterprises and catering enterprises above designated size in wholesale and retail and accommodation) via the Internet directly to the national statistical office or the provincialCenters submitted data, statistical workers at enterprises entering in the steering. It is considered most important project is to protect the authenticity of data, national statistical Office takes this to be "original" grassroots enterprise data.   GDP by the National Bureau of accounting in the future, two sets of data no longer appears central and local tongue and no bases. Motivation of the current statistical dataSystem is wrong. Unscrupulous local Government Department to send data directly to enterprise level, explains performance and perfect harmony between GDP, staffing a software doesn't solve the institutional barriers and integrity could not be established to the great wall. Others:

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