Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling - HML

129779512629531250_16Aeration FIA review Mercedes-Benz team again this week threatened to protest work Yeah sporting April 3 report: since the beginning of the season, on the Mercedes GP team tail system of legality has been a debated topic. On this point tera power leveling, Red Bull and Lotus team has raised protests. In the case of pressure on the other team, FIA finally announced in recent days to be back on the tail of the Mercedes GP Team System profiling. Mercedes GP racingChariot W03 Mercedes GP team this season with DRS wing F-duct system is activated, triggered a series of wars. War of words mainly around 3.15 of the technical rules and paragraph 3.18. Articles 3.15 States: "as a complement to 3.18 of the terms, any use of the driver change air Racing Dynamics system, Equipment or processes, are prohibited. "3.18 articles on DRS part to do the clear provisions of the tail. Red Bull and Lotus team considers the violation of reason, is because there is no rule allowing Mercedes F-duct system. Evaluation after the FIA, that Mercedes GP team system is completely passive, and there is noViolation. However, this is the opposite of stop the other team. Last week, the Red Bull team leader says Horner continued to protest, and hope that the FIA to give statements. According to the BBC report tera power leveling, no fewer than five team Mercedes GP team of F-duct system is considered to be legal. If the Mercedes GP team to continue to do so, and the FIA not to give sanctionsWords, the team will hold protests in the middle of this month's Shanghai Grand Prix. These threat team has received a certain amount of results. According to the PlanetF1 website reports, FIA said it would re-evaluation F-duct system this week, look at his performance undermined the FIA regulations. If evaluation results confirm the violation tera gold, theMercedes GP team has formed racing car design will be a big blow. Others:

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