Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling andThis is outside of social security financing.  "He said. In this issue - L

129773822094687500_66Recently, douban hottest one article entitled the five insurances, one gold, finally understand the log, comments attracted thousands of people, many people say is not clear a gold five-insurance form, scale, and usage. Also has a lot of readers in the previous reports, through the Internet and phone to us, means for deduction in the payroll item tera power leveling, in addition to the housing provident funds is easierSolution, other project is still very fuzzy, hope College of finance by way of financial seminars to everyone to answer doubts. Reporters learned from the 12,333 labor support hotline, at present, the enterprise social insurance contribution ratio of endowment insurance in Hangzhou City: 14%, personal cent; medical insurance: 11.5%, personal 2%4; unemployment insurance:2%, personal cent; industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance are paid by the unit only, without burden, 0.5%~1.2% and 1.2%, respectively.  Many people feel that social security has been considered to be so comprehensive, does not need to have any other financial management? Taikang life insurance senior lecturer, Zhang June said, "of course, to finance. The reason is simple. Just like nowUrban living is a closed community, outside the walls, a security guard at the door, but a lot of people live in the community is the first thing to do after installing security doors tera power leveling, security Windows. "" Fencing, security tera gold, say is social security, using it is to benefit the public. But if you think a fence and secure enough to protect security, then select security doors, anti-theft window resolved individual requirements, andThis is outside of social security financing.  "He said. In this issue, we interview some of the wealth management Division, detailed analysis of the payroll in several of the major social security purposes. On March 24, times Finance Institute will host the 2012 financial talks for the first time, when the senior financial management division of Bank of Ningbo Hangzhou branch through a variety of case studies to teach you to read his wageSingle.  At the same time, guosen securities branch of Hangzhou Jiang Dengbo, General Manager of research will also share with you how to expose information from mining in "gold mine" and realize their financial dreams. Quality of life after retirement pension could not be guaranteed in accordance with the proportion of paying social security pensions, retired a month after leading what? Pensioner's latest formula is quite complex, but generally taken into accountCalculation: average wage in societyAfter Hugh can receive a monthly pension = $ 6,000Pension supplement. "Commercial endowment insurance insurance pension plan can be used to achieve. This type of insurance is available to personal growth security (including health insurance and accident protection), to a certain maturity will generate gold as pension supplementary insurance.  "Taikang Zhang June said. He explained that such insurance for rigid embarked on social or family, capital investment is notEnough, protection of young people. While working at enterprises and institutions and to guarantee more people, you can consider buying life pension insurance.  This insurance provides death protection and health protection does not alone guarantee pension only.  Bankers believe that for young people, "the investment is the best insurance". Agricultural Bank Zhejiang branch wealth CenterDeputy General Manager Wang Xin expressed this view. "Individuals to fend off inflation, invest in capital markets.  "She said. Wang Xin suggested can be done a number of fixed investment on a regular basis, such as Huang Jinding vote, the investment of the Fund. "I vote in seven years of their own funds, income was higher than the bank deposit at least, moreover, were at a low point. "She believes that young people can be seenTry a slightly larger risk of investment, such as disposable year money 50% into stocks and cent into risk-free way of managing money, 30% investment bonds. Medical insurance is not "cure all" on medical insurance, the company paid 11.5% directly into the overall Fund, and personal account with us. Also, not all medical treatment can be obtainedInsurance, such as cosmetic surgery, lose weight, increase, correction of myopia, in overseas medical expenses, and so on. Healthcare in different places also have restrictions on use. Living in the domestic non-sudden disease, needed emergency hospital treatment to the nearest hospital, but must be within 3 business days, hospital information such as date, name of hospital insurance and medical insurance agencies for the record, his condition stableNeed to continue treatment, should go to the designated medical institution to seek medical treatment in a timely manner. Project for medical insurance, commercial insurance can be a good supplement to social security shortfalls. Banks, insurers are considered, social security, health insurance is the most worthy of additional projects of commercial insurance, because the "social security solution is the cost of hospitalization, and commercial insurance to address hospital nutrition questionProblems and wage issues.  "A lot of coverage, if the insured is not disease, expire and will return in accordance with the agreement of all the premium or amount of insurance companies. Agricultural Bank of China Wang Xin suggested that policy holders can buy some medical allowances, because such allowances claims not to invoice and to stay for an additional subsidy. Women concerned about insurance for women. "For example, aCompany is a women's health, including female diseases such as breast cancer, annual premiums around $ 2,500, once the accident will return the $ 150,000 ~20, is more practical. "Unemployment insurance does not cover the resignation of entitlement to unemployment insurance benefits, you must meet the following two criteria: the unit and I have 1 year of implementing unemployment insurance payment obligations as prescribed;Not yourself resign.  In addition to this, you need to go through the formalities of is: should be held within 60 days from the date of separation of the vocational guidance and training card, residence booklet, identity card, termination of employment (employment) contract or working relationship with certificate and photo to the account of streets, labor and Social Security Department of the town where unemployment registration, handling claims for unemployment insurance procedures. Each office workers are paid unemployment insurance, butThis insurance not so much with most white collar, by some human resources person is called "donor-insurance". It is understood that as long as the receiving unemployment insurance, individual labor manuals will be left on record, streets would also recommend job and must go for an interview. These posts are posts at the basic level, and General white collar jobs of a different nature, most people do not want to to per monthUnemployment benefits asking for trouble and leaving embarrassing record of hundreds of dollars, even if you meet the conditions will also take the initiative to give up.  And, only local Hukou can enjoy this benefit. "Unemployment insurance is equivalent to social welfare. Social security to address a person's unemployment relief, and commercial life insurance settlement because of the nature of the accident, health reasons '; lost to ' source of life."Taikang Zhang June said.  Work-related injury insurance is available through increased protection of industrial injury insurance of accident insurance requirements, if unfortunate accidents occur during the period of the contract, information note you want to obtain from the enterprise, and the company seal, it is best to apply for work injury certification within three business days and provide the specified material. Labor and social security hotline 12,333 staff, work-related injury insuranceA provision requiring attention, it's in the pathogenesis of jobs, and within 48 hours of death, was designated for employees injured at work, if it is more than 48 hours after the onset of death, would not have been found for employees injured at work.  In addition, some common occupational disease can be integrated into industrial injury was identified as the injury, and in recent years has been the topic of discussion. Social security depends on the policy of industrial insurance changesAnd commercial insurance definition depending on whether accidents only. Some units through the group insurance to address employee's work-related risks. Taikang Zhang June proposal, if you feel that the groups hurt insurance is not enough, you can increase security by accident insurance. Others:

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