Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera gold not that e-commerce - BSC

129784668230210000_416Lei Jun: great millet could not be copied is not a faux iPhone Millet Tech CEO Lei Jun in Chinese Internet webmasters Conference, said great things could not replicate millet iPhone mobile phone is not the cottage. Do Internet Lei Jun at the same time to share his seven-word pithy formula: dedicated, extreme, Word of mouth, fast. He also shared the Jinshan, superior to millet's Internet experience. He believes that the Internet is not really specific to the technology,It is a methodology, experience can be summed up as the seven words "dedicated, extreme, Word of mouth, fast". Lei Jun called "focus" is the cause of millet launched a mobile phone only. In Shenzhen, perhaps 100 can occur within 3 days the new iPhone, iPhone only launched the 5 paragraph, even the colors are very single. "She said that last year to make a determined effort to turn over a new leaf, quality policy, the StateStar models results on the Barcelona fair, HTC introduced 3, cry of my heart. "" The ultimate "issue, Lei Jun again praised Apple's products. "I have asked a number of association executives, why don't you can do beautiful charger. Stylish laptop, why the Chargers so ugly, why not modified like AppleBeautiful, why is no one more than 5 billion people come forward and improve this problem. "" We do not even icon to that level of Apple, jobs are alive 5 years ago, when I said that, iPhone in less than 5 years no one surpassed, today who say that they do better than the iPhone, it's not called bullshit, and ignorance. "For" word ", Lei Jun has a special interpretationRelease: specific parameters such as reputation is not cheap, but exceed user expectations. He said, why are people recognized the seabed, because people have five-star hotels have high expectations; Dubai hotels magnificent, can only make people feel. He phone initial millet or product as "Lei Jun entrepreneurship", but with no expectations of the StateSpread in the Forum. Lei Jun last mentioned things. Millet mobile phones due to the user invoices, make up on at the same time as accompanied by "parents, waiting I'm sorry" cards, as well as a phone film, resulting in many users Sun share photos on Twitter. "So we of China business service levels are very low, improves space a mess, as long as weA little bit of heart we can hit with consumers. This is our chance and space. "(NaN) to Lei Jun lecture memoir: Lei Jun: thank you, yesterday was a very important day for me, two things. First is the second anniversary of millet, millet was established two years ago developed to 700,800 human scale, should be for two yearsIt's pretty tough, on the other hand, we have overcome a lot of difficulties and problems. So, yesterday was a major celebration of millet company. Second, yesterday we published the millet mobile telecommunications contracts, so yesterday was very exciting. So yesterday, a bit cold, I may be nasal, please understanding. I was the first toWebmasters add to the General Assembly why coming? Very simple reason, I heart of webmasters on the word respect, for what? Because I come from the traditional software industry, for those of us root seedlings of Red is the backbone of the Internet, I have been holding very distinguished feeling, I think here to share tera gold, in fact difficulty quite high. In particular, I respect you tera gold,Especially in the front line of those grassroots webmasters, I say that we first had no money, no resources, no technology can even lay a slice of the world in a market, this is actually a pretty amazing thing. So, here is the presentation not so much, as it is an opportunity to learn from you. Here, I think about what topic is better, this morning I seeMillet was a lot of people say that mine has always come here to advertise for the, I believe that as an entrepreneur every dream in your Web site, I also so, sometimes I do not want to advertise for millet, but about three sentences about millet. I believe we are all entrepreneurs, all will understand my feelings. Today I want to talk about very simple topic, I'd like to mention a lineOn the question, what is the Internet? I have spent a lot of time thinking about what is Internet, my further thoughts on what is Internet for the first time, in 1998, in 1999, the emerging waves of the Internet in China at that time, if I remember right, the company was founded in December 98, Baidu and Alibaba (microblogging) is founded by 99,The turbulent life of, we were rushed and disoriented, we make software feel quite proud, overnight we had become outdated, we were abandoned by the times, is the hottest in the age of the Internet, because we know very little about the Internet, I was 30 that year, some bubble of Internet child says the Internet is not over 30 years old maleOne can understand things, anyway I know who do this today, I was 30 years old that year the Internet wave, overnight feel being abandoned. I was thinking, what does? Seems to be on the Internet or not we really start to sprout stage is the eldest child of BBS, bubble stations every day, bubble BBS, Jinshan complex at that time the number of lines to be transferred we, myselfWebmasters have done more than half a year, write 300 stickers, not a "water stick", each posted more than 100 words, speak or write with substance. In our bubbles BBS stage, at 7 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the morning, work more than 10 hours a day, than to work hard. How the Internet we do not think it is? 98, 99, set before me the first question what isThe Internet? I think the Internet is simple, just like the Internet, just like water, in fact, the Internet is a tool for expanding our respective business. After when I want to understand this, I at once relief, I said to do the Internet is very simple, you only need to use the Internet to do business on the line, not that e-commerce, electronic ways of doing business. I actually likeWould like to see this one later, I got my first conclusion is it? E-commerce is an overly sexual terms, because one day every company on the planet are e-commerce companies. Therefore, I choose to start an e-commerce company, is the network of excellence, then we did 4 years later, 2004 sale to Amazon, is today's Amazon China�� I think in that year's time, we should be B2C companies, so this is the first time I was seriously thinking of what I sell Amazon's excellent Internet by 2004 when I began a second thought, what is the Internet? I was faced with a great deal of pressure is it? Excellence of my left tube, tube on the right side of Jinshan, excellent access to100% growth, Jinshan, only 20%, 30% growth. Jinshan 80% effort may be spent in my own, I just want this thing seems very unfair, I took 80% only 20%,30% what time growing up, where is the problem? How we can grow faster? And the Internet is what kind of things? WhatAfter years I sell excellent very painful, I restrained myself, because I had to work on the first thing is to excellence, anchor all opened an error did take a look at the links, I believe that is all done tera power leveling, right? Answer: Yes. Others:

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