Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold on March 27 - VXI

129773810105937500_7Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 27 (reporter Guo Aimin)-according to Xinhua News Agency monitoring of the national agricultural and sideline products and agricultural goods prices tera gold, compared with the day before, on March 27, pork prices drop in finished food prices steadily rise, and egg prices stayed level; tera power leveling, aquatic products, fruits and vegetables, cooking oil, beef and mutton prices slightly fluctuating; milk prices basically stable. Pig pork belly,Pork hams after prices down 0. 3%, 0. 2%; fresh boneless mutton prices, beef tendon meat prices rose, true range does not exceed 0.   1%, beef brisket meat, fresh mutton prices were flat-bone; monitoring the 21 kinds of vegetables and 9 species of falling prices, 7 kinds of price increases, 5 kinds of prices stayed level. Monitoring data show that since late March, the national vegetable pricesThe overall downward trend. Compared with the March 18 this year, on March 27, 21 types of monitoring national average prices of vegetables fell by 1. 4%. Varieties, monitoring prices of vegetables fell near 50%. Rape, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, cucumber prices more obvious tera gold, were 13 per cent fall. 7%, 6. 8%, 6. 6%, 6. 5%, 5. 8%. In addition,On March 27, prices surged in the early national 3rd consecutive drop in average price of Welsh onion, 2 per cent. 2%. (Final) (Editor: LV Qiang) Others:

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