Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling after the recent sharp increases in oil prices - TQC

129773932953281250_156Higher oil prices push up the cost for express companies. Luo Changwei's photography higher oil prices push up the cost for express companies. Luo Changwei's photography consumers worried about shopping online costs will rise further after the recent oil price increases again, the express industry follow the trend of prices become the focus of attention of the consumer. Industry sources said, 5-7 months before the season the express industry may be price increases.However told reporters in Guangzhou express company, costs of higher oil prices can digest, no price increases planned in the near future. Recently burst out as much this newspaper with a courier company has informed the price starting from April, Hunan Sto news that took the lead in raising prices, starting from April 1 every Shen Tong in Changsha city courier fees will increase 0.5 Yuan, while express company explosionPlans will be price of between 51 messages. Chief Consultant of the China express NET material indicates that, after the recent sharp increases in oil prices, express delivery companies is gradually reached the limit of cumulative pressure, 5-7 months before the season the express industry will also have a rigid price increases. The other hand, express face adjustment also caused many online sellers and consumers worry about shopping costs rise further.Express Company: rising oil costs to internal digesting yesterday more than express company brands who have indicated that they are not yet available in the market of price plans, but does not rule out the possibility that some of the site there is a small range of price fluctuations. Industry sources said some joined the courier company on its part of the site binding is weak, the express site and small courier companies may lead to cost increasesPrice adjustment. Reporter visiting the site found more than express company in Guangzhou, express price currently is not raising prices. A courier company sites said to reporters, the site has 10 delivery trucks, after the oil price rise, how about spending $ 2000~3000 each month, however, these costs can be digested. Xu you think, express delivery companiesArtificial accounted for a major portion of the costs. But after rising oil price has been going through many rounds, delivery price is always "venting", after the recent sharp increases in oil prices, express delivery companies is gradually reached the limit of cumulative pressure in May-July, express industry will have a rigid price increases. Insiders said yesterday, in addition to the current market for "price" sounds rather sensitive things tera power leveling, there are twoCourier companies factor in a dilemma. Some of the profits of the enterprise e-commerce Express by pressing on the one hand to attract customers, but dare anger their order the sheer volume makes express companies can't. Disorder of lower-priced competitors on the market, thus turning the industry into "not afraid of than the service, than the price". Online sellers: consumers are finally facing pay express pricingMessage has caused many small sellers in network of worry. Yesterday an Taobao sellers also complained that already have success staff informed her from April through express delivery charges starting price. Courier fees up makes her a headache. It is understood that in the case of express price fluctuations are not fixed, many shops have already charge into the price of goods express, launched a "posting price"Consumers pay remains the last. For a lot of Taobao sellers complained that the courier company in charge of the said, now price only in "compensation" post before, only hoping to recover to announced prices. He disclosed that tera gold, courier companies out there now have an announced price, but in fact, when collaboration with shop Taobao sellers is anotherThe price. Express orders to Guangzhou to Shanghai, for example, the company announced price is $ 15, $ 7 more than in practice, and some small courier company is profitable orders. Statistical data show that in 2011 the domestic Courier industry average profit margins of only 5% per cent, in 2005 the number maximum reached over 30%. Electric networkStation: increase the threshold for free shipping logistics industry pressures in rising oil prices not only doubled its upstream is also constantly complain of e-commerce. Many e-business websites in the near future in order to control costs is also raising the threshold for free shipping. From March dangdang on 200 areas outside the city to improve the package mail standards, from $ 29 to $ 99 or mail and Amazon China, BeijingEast, also set a minimum threshold and enjoy free shipping. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly tera gold, at your own risk. Others:

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