Friday, April 13, 2012

tera gold fixed-line - DPR

129779408090000000_97About the broadband "speed premium", has left many users complained. "Broadband speed, price will decline", which is the aspiration of many users. According to the three major domestic carrier, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom (600 tera gold,050 shares, market, news, main trading) recently announced respectively by 2011 year results showed that domestic business development of 3G expressSpeed. Especially with broadband as the main business on the traditional telecom, its 3G service over broadband revenue, grow up to be the first big business. This seems to mean broadband "back seat" signs. But, in fact, three carriers since this year's trends show that continued mining potential of broadband has reached a three carriers in broadband bundle prices and servicesDepth development on a new space for development. Price: bundled phone packages in recent days, launched by Guangzhou Unicom network China Unicom's monthly fee is $ 126 (or more) phone 3G package, you can use Unicom 6M free high speed broadband policy. For more than a month ago, Guangdong Mobile has introduced similar policies, use of CTT's broadband resources, introduced the "talking on the cell phone, send broadband" service, GSM users can phone monthly with $ 128 in areas where conditions are right use CRC 4M free broadband, subscription packages of $ 58, 88 4M broadband you'll need to pay $ 40 per month, $ 30. Richer on China Telecom broadband resources, earlier has implemented mobile phone rent increase 4M 189 bundled broadband packages, mobile, fixed-line, wideBinding is the most common combination. From the perspective of popular packages, dominated by mobile phone packages "with" zero dollars of broadband is already the norm. In the eyes of industry opinion, current operators of the Centre of gravity is still on the one hand is a mobile business development and stability on the other, an attempt by the "binding" stabilize the existing broadband customers. Compared with the price of a single, bundled package will undoubtedlyMore affordable. Business: Broadband audio and video experience last year, carriers and fiber entrance of universal broadband implementation speed improvement, current city of most home broadband speeds for 4M, fiber entrance also expanded to around 60% per cent of the shares. Many broadband users have begun to choose 12M, 20M, and 100M of higher bandwidth. Based on high speedBroadband, IPTV operator began targeting launches network business. Based on high speed broadband Internet access such as Unicom provides high definition multimedia content services tera gold, high definition audio, online film and TV-on-demand, as well as all the major features of famous television program, the future will also introduce synchronized with the cinemas and the DVD release of the latest works of popular movies and television shows. High-bandwidth users are entitled to freeReceive a high-definition online TV services, such as communications installed broadband 10M and above will receive a high-definition audiovisual services, telecommunications 12M, 20M high-bandwidth users can also install hi-def Internet audio-video business. At present tera power leveling, the operator and the system of radio and TV network convergence is ongoing, bi-directional integration become the dominant ideology. Operators have high speed broadband resources, film and television contentIs the strength of radio and television. ����Operators ' strong involvement in high-bandwidth audio-video experience, create conditions for the next integration with the system of radio and TV. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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