Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling today the world has changed - QXB

129770904095468750_15Li daokui (information) has changed in the world of today, dominated by Europe to control the IMF, American Bank's structure must be changed. IMF Managing Director and look good without benefit of different, head of the World Bank's position on China even more important, therefore, should be nominated to Lin yifu, China serving as head of the World Bank, which helps developing countries to draw on the experience of development in China, ChinaRecognition of development more generally. International community about candidates in October 2011, President of the World Bank, the international community has begun to quietly talk about who will be the next Governor of the World Bank. For current President Robert Zoellick, considers that it is not likely to be reelected to the outside world, on the grounds that the senior officials of the Republican party to get the Democratic President Barack ObamaRecommended. On January 26, 2012 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, I met Zoellick of the term of Office is coming to an end. 4 years ago, Zoellick assumed office of the World Bank had to Tsinghua University and the teachers were at the time of an internal Forum, talk to everyone was in high spirits. Meet old acquaintance, I directly asked him if he had decided to seek re-election. He toldMe, back to the United States zhihou, round of communication with members of the senior leadership of the World Bank, and will announce their decision. My hunch is that he will not seek re-election.����On February 15, he officially announced that he will not be re-elected. Today, the international community address the problem of who will be the next President of the World Bank set tongues wagging. United States and Europe reviews basic recognitionFor, the next President will come from the United States. This is an unwritten rule, Governor of the Bank of United States Presidents by the Ministry of Finance recommended, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the President of the European recommendations, take turns in power between the European powers.����According to this logic, today Europe and the media discussions focus on who served as Governor of the World Bank. AHot is the current United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, another argument is the latter part of the Clinton Administration's Finance Minister, former President of Harvard University, famous economist LawrenceI am not interested in the post, because she was eyeing 2016 presidential election, if 2012 was appointed as President of the World Bank, means that she must resign in the 2014 years tera power leveling, on the road of the presidential campaign. This place for the past two years on the resignation of practices are considered to be irresponsible. And, as President of the World Bank, Hillary Clinton in the United StatesDomestic political influence will be very limited, it's not good to her I finally was elected United States President's political ambitions. LawrenceHe is not considered to be a very competent Manager.����At Harvard, he was put forth by Professor Taiwan, this record is not glorious. Recommended far-reaching China candidates in my opinion is that candidates from the President of the World Bank, IMF Chief's selection of a different nature and more than half a year ago, China should actively arguing, fighting for the ability to move one from ChinaCandidates nominated to become Governor of the World Bank.����Why is that? First, from a Chinese person to serve as Governor of the World Bank, is very useful for developing countries as a whole, said, this can be done in China of international responsibility. The rapid development of China's more than 30 years can be said to be the marvel of the global economy after the second world war, and most are heartened by the large number of backwardState. Let them see hope for China's development. Many people in developing countries are secretly asking such a question: the Chinese did it, why can't we? China has a lot of appeal in developing countries, have a role model. More specifically, from China's development experience, for the other countries that have not entered the ranks of the developed countries,, Is of most significance. Valuable experience from China with highly general statement is nothing but two: first experience is that development is the last word. In each country, to resolve social, politics, poverty, and so all problems, there must be economic development and investment in economic development must come from a certain size. That's what Deng Xiaoping repeatedly stressed "Economic construction as the Center ". Popular words, that development is the last word. On the awareness of this problem, developed countries tend to be wrong. In the view of many scholars and politicians in developed countries, first on the system, and development can be achieved, and what they call a benign and often were copied over from today's developed countries, they conveniently ignore the fact thatThat is, their system is evolving in the process of economic development in the last century tera gold, economic system developed in the era of economic takeoff is not so "Advanced". They could not see was only on the basis of economic development, political reform and political progress can be achieved, economic systems can improve, social problems will be able to gradually resolveAnd poverty can be eliminated. Second valuable experience from China is sustainable institutional change, that reform must be gradual and continuous way. Experience in China does not mean that you must first improve system development. China's experience has shown that, at any stage of development, must first seize the system bottlenecks affecting economic development, and its reformJicai to development, development after the reform to further advance. For example, in the early stage of economic development in China, in 1978, the shiniandongluan just at the end of the gripping food problems of the greatest social, economic problems in China is, therefore, firmly grasp the system of contracted responsibility linking agriculture and rural collective system of collective systems of constraints, the reform andSubstantial increase in sales of agricultural products price on, quickly solved the food problem of the 1.1 billion people in China, immediately shot into reform of China, laid the Foundation for China's development. Into the late 90 's of the last century, China became a core issue to further develop the market out of United States MFN review problems year after year, which promote theFormation of the strategy of China's accession to the WTO. Irreversible trend of entering WTO to China's economy has opened, bringing more than 10 years of prosperity.����All of these, the author's summary is, to reform (see October 2010 article on reform of this column). Objectively speaking, China is not yet fully formed a very determined, forming of China's economyPattern. So-called Chinese model is still in the making, we have reason to believe that pattern will appear in China, and not try to figure out the Chinese China models does not hinder developing countries experience.����China elected a Governor of the World Bank, to experience China can most directly passed to the developing countries. Served as President of the World Bank and the other by the Chinese majorSignificance is that China's road of development more generally is recognized by friends of the world, particularly in developing countries. When more and more countries around the world agree that even the practice of China's development path, China will be more and more friends in the world, China in the number of international economic and political issues will become more charismatic, this is China's position in the world in the future beyond questionAsked is critical. Differences and head of the World Bank tera power leveling, IMF Chief Executive positions on the question of why the IMF Executive, was not active in China should not be active, and on the problem of the President of the World Bank, must actively seek to do? Because the operations of the IMF the main object currently developed, and reform of the IMF, and so on to promote to ChinaAnd is not essential in the short term, such as the increase in the share of investment in China and its currency is on the inclusion of special drawing rights and other issues, China is not urgent, more worry in the developed countries, they have their own interests. Is the most important, with a range of issues related to the international monetary system, it is not possible within international organizations like IMF through negotiation to determine. Instead,These patterns of change, can only be determined through market changes.����In other words, the IMF Chief's position is pretty, but not affordable. Instead, the President of the World Bank's position is more important. In fact, for almost 5 years, Zoellick as a highly strategic vision, from the United States, Governor of the World Bank, has indeed played a very big role. He offered toMore on the platform of the World Bank into Chinese, force push Justin yifu Lin served as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank, and also calls upon States to pay attention to the problems of development in Africa, and so on, this just proves the importance of the position of the President of the World Bank. Two reasons to strive to position, Governor as President of the World Bank position is so important, how can China and the WestPeople argue about?����I think, there are two reasons to hold. First is telling the West, today the world has changed, today's main growth areas in the world come from China, far more growth in developing countries than in developed countries, share of the economies of developing countries had more than developed countries, not to mention, the World Bank's work was in developing countries,, Dominated by Europeans, IMF, American control over the Bank's structure must be changed. This is a historical necessity, is the trend. Six months ago, Europe's debt crisis is around the corner, on the IMF Chief issues, developing countries have to understand and to make concessions. Today, the international organization would help the developing countries to the World Bank Governor candidates on the issuesAnd developed countries including the United States included, should consider. Second, we agree that this should be the most appropriate person to serve as President of the World Bank principles, that is, should be selected and not selected countries, while we also stressed that a candidate's background is important part of their qualifications. If a candidate's career and life experiences in developed countries, heHow to understand the basic problems of the heavily indebted poor countries? Instead, one came from a very poor as China, and today has been the rapid development of the national candidate, for the development of the problem and how to solve the problem of poverty, will have the most direct observation and experience, this is what his qualifications. Therefore, China should be able to confidently say that held up a ChineseCandidate is considered to be the selection of the most suitable candidate to this principle. Finally, must also recognize that China is a very suitable candidate, he has worked at the World Bank for nearly 4 years, also played an outstanding role in the World Bank, he was Senior Vice President and Chief Economist at the World BankProblem of the exhibition in the country, and a strong academic Foundation, was on the World Bank experience in direct management of this international organization, so China can be nominated by the Justin yifu Lin served as World Bank President candidate. In conclusion, on the appointment of the President of the World Bank, my suggestion is, China should actively. Also it should be noted that in order to achieveChina's intentions, where resistance is not small, especially this year, is a United States election year, United States must be made, but also on the difficulties. Here, we can look back and draw on the experience of China's bid to host the Olympic Games, that is, to many international issues through unremitting efforts and frustration until the final victory, and setbacks and difficulties should not be an excuse for not working hard. Others:

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