Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold over scandals since being charged last year. In May last year - VWY

129773984760312500_44Sitting in the car going to the hearing question Dominique Strauss-Kahn on the scene.  Comprehensive coverage of zhongxinwang, March 27, a former International Monetary Fund (micro-blogging) (IMF) 26th President Kahn was initially accused of persons suspected of involvement in France a prostitution syndicate. Kahn on February 21 through to "suspect" status in LilleAccept inquiries.  France suspected to Kahn and the prostitution of a hotel group, pointed out that he had in both Paris and Washington sex party tera gold, and 2 merchant on behalf of the remuneration paid to prostitutes to the flesh trade. Last October, Carlton Hotel Lille police cracked down prostitution case, find some local businessmen had organized a prostitute to participate in political and business "party" tera power leveling, and there is evidenceThat Kahn, involved in the case, he worked in Paris and Washington to such party. tera gold, 62, Kahn is a former France Minister of Government, over scandals since being charged last year. In May last year, Kahn was charged with sexual abuse inside a restaurant a waitress in New York, he subsequently resigned from the Chief IMF post and investigated, the last United States Supreme Court of the State of New York announced the revocationAll criminal charges against Kahn. Prostitutes to testify against IMF Kahn tried to help her get the former United States visas before the IMF President, Kahn was arrested for sex trafficking cases was custody of Kahn's invasion aftermath events may be seen on the silver screen Kahn continued France denied the Government and Kahn, President of New York contacts for the prosecution before the IMF: President of indulgence and destroyed our dreams Others:

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