Friday, April 13, 2012

tera power leveling 000 - LUH

129779512196562500_561st tera power leveling, concern "Pengan female civil servants was sexual" case in Pengan County Court of first instance ruled: original Liu Xiquan Pengan County Federation President of guilty of rape, was sentenced to 5 years, Chen and compensate the victims a $ 35,000. The case after the incident, the Pengan County began cadres and rectification, 9 introduced a "no", 5 "musts", including a banAt noon for day drinking has nothing to do, is forbidden to enter work time and work places.   1st the defendant persuaded his wife to keep the court order, after strict inspection, participating in the case to observe the entry hall of Pengan County Court building at the end of the trial. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the trial began, Liu Xiquan upper body with a dark grey jacket, a pair of jeans under,Under the two judicial police officers escort, was brought into court. When he was approaching, observe the wife an emotional Liu, but soon was the judicial police to stop. Liu Xi turned tera gold, deadpan advised: "this is a court, to comply with the order!   "Victim Chen does not have arrived at the scene, both relatives to attend the trial. According to reports, the Pengan County Court local NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members have been invited to observe theThe Court trial.   Consider the case relating to personal privacy, combined with the trial Hall seating capacity is limited, invited people to the strict limits, the Court has taken a number of security measures, to ensure that the trial proceed normally. Spirit of damages without damages restaurants and hotels to the handling human eyewitness statements, Chen had had in a drunken stupor. The Court produced a number of forensic tableMing, Chen was in clones of the Defense capacity.   Liu Xiquan against women will, sex is rape, sentenced Liu Xiquan 5 years ' imprisonment. Civil damages against the victim, the Court of first instance judgment both Chen Liu Xiquan compensation $ 35,000, including Chen after the incident, such as hospitalization costs, appraisal costs, but does not include mental lossLoss of fees. After the end of the sentencing, Liu Xiquan family in the one old man shouted "grievances", said Liu Chen who has known four or five years, it can't be rape, to appeal. While the Chen families in out of court when the sentence too light, this gave Chen a significant negative impact on work and life, "came down, also does not work. "Trial reviewAnd when friends call sleeping with a woman after the incident, the local governments are actively engaged, informed of progress events several times.   On October 31, 2011, required that party committees and Governments profound lessons in Nanchong, a warning. On October 21, 2011, Liu Xiquan is criminal detention on October 31 was approved the arrest. On November 21, the PenganThe removal of the County Public Security Bureau Pengan County prosecutors investigation and prosecution. On December 15, the Pengan County Court hearing the case. On the Court, Liu Xiquan argues that he and Chen was adultery, not rape. But the evidence submitted by the prosecution, several months before the two sides of the incident and there was no contact between and tera power leveling, two ambiguous relationship does not exist. Liu Xiquan also argues that he is drunk and then noActs of consciousness. But the evidence shows that, at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon the same day, a friend called Liu Xiquan, Liu said he sleep in the hotel and a woman.   Proving his consciousness was clear, with capacity. Event playback on October 24, 2011, female civil servants in Pengan County safety supervision Bureau Chen reported the real name on the Internet, saying the County Federation chairman Liu Xiquan after she drunkRape on its implementation. Chen's post and hotel surveillance video shows, which occurred on the afternoon of October 19, 2011. At noon that day, Pengan County safety supervision Bureau Deputy Director Sum Cheung, Liu Xiquan dine with Chen in Pengan County Federation President of drinking. 2:58 P.M., in local Ming Yu Sum Cheung and Liu Xiquan hotel check in. Subsequently, Liu Xiquan drunken ChenA holding room 812, Sum Cheung has stayed in the room after 11 minutes left, Liu Xiquan stayed in the room for 3 hours and 23 minutes and leave. After 10 o'clock that night, Chen woke up, found themselves debauchery, home and her husband extracting evidence to the Pengan County Public Security Bureau criminal investigation brigade police.   Sum Cheung and Liu Xiquan captured the next day by the police. After the case, causing users turn offNote. According to media reports, during this period, Chen Liu Xiquan family has had many carrying gift found a couple, hope they can disguise a major accident as a minor one, Liu Xiquan a horse, but was refused.   The morning of November 17, 2011 Pengan County Liu Xiquan from the party discipline inspection and supervision organs; Sum Cheung, administrative dismissal shall be expelled from the two year penalty. According to the huaxi Dushi() Others:

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