Sunday, March 4, 2012

tor credits if allowed to persist - ANJ

129742939240312500_391 <a href="">warhammer gold</a>International rating agency Fitch (Fitch) on Monday (February 20) that the people's Bank of China (PBOC) cut its deposit reserve rates, primarily to ease banking liquidity tightening guild wars 2 gold, and non-representative of the monetary policy stance changed, banks in January and February loan growth are inhibitory. People's Bank of China on Saturday (February 18th) that, since this Friday (February 24), reduced deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. Fitch notes that, if allowed to persist, lower loan growth, or later on in the year gross domestic product (GDP) growth significantly suppressed. The Agency expects China banking industry this year and will need a lot of financial supportIn order to meet the demand of credit and own. Fitch notes that: "our vision 2012, liquidity assistance is expected to reach nearly $ 4 trillion yuan, will cut its deposit reserve reverse repurchase rate, Central Bank, and the Ministry of finance will keep bidding to achieve. While the cut deposit reserve ratios will be released about $ 375 billion yuan in deposits. "It also says to furtherLower deposit rates might not always in the form of comprehensive, the entire system tor credits, and will be tailored to the individual needs of the Bank. Under these circumstances, bank deposit ready to balance than the deposit rate, on behalf of itself can reveal policy messages. www.

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