Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling " your mother on the phone right away "sth The "Koko" Ding Zu伋 - DPQ

129756711687656250_1065Ding Zu伋 cloth held by her mother to the hospital. Xinhuanet, Tainan, March 6 (reporters Ren and Qin and Qin and Shao Yanhui and Gao Xueyu)-a middle-aged man in her arms, was wrapped with a cloth Pocket build thin, white-haired old man. Men's double eyebrow lift, strong hand hold the body of the old man, one hand stroking her breasts. At the elbow of the old man's head on the man, serenityLike a child. This "devoted son hold" photos, on the afternoon of March 2 by netizens on the transmission network, in just a few days has spread all over the world, countless warm people's hearts. Tens of thousands of users to reproduce, comment this picture, people from different regions tera gold, using various feelings of the language as simple as passing, "cried man tears", "we get light and beauty of human natureThe bright side "," love not wait, particularly sentimental "," your mother on the phone right away "sth The "Koko" Ding Zu伋, 62, Tainan people, currently at home and concentrate on SI. On March 6, the Xinhua News Agency reporter made a special trip to Tainan to understand moving deeds of Ding Zu伋. Ding Zu伋 had declined in a telephone interview. "I now need to concentrate on taking note, every single second motherStatus. People like me a lot, this is part of the business, not worth your attention. "In Tainan, locals are talking about a Ding Zu伋 story. "A lot of press these days, this thing is worth reporting, human love of truth is a positive social force. "Liu Wenlong said the taxi driver. Journalists come find Zhou Yu朣 took this photo at the time. On2nd scene, she says she'll never forget. "17:10, Chi Mei Hospital in Tainan, I was waiting for the medicine, suddenly noticed a pair of opposite mother. He wipes the flowers around his neck, and tried to make his mother lying in my arms in a most comfortable way. Hair of his mother, patting my chest, just like holding a baby. There were a lot of people are watching,I-after 35 seconds, took this picture. "7 minutes later, Zhou Yu朣 moved it to upload photos of their" Facebook ", and write one line under" what is love tera gold, what is not is not abandoned? As a child my mother back you, grow up you back mother? Chi Mei Hospital to see this scene, moving. "Just a few days, this photograph is reproduced in tens of thousands of times。 Zhou Yu朣 received thousands of letters, letter from the warmth of a dozen languages. Ding Zu伋 are concerned with the protagonist of your photo. Cameras diablo 3 power leveling, and he does not meet, nor welcomed the media spotlight. However, he finally chose to face the media, "If you can inspire more people to care for parents, is a positive force for the community". But he hoped that after this time finished, you canHe and his mother an uninterrupted space. "The media and the public over praise me, I just did a child's part to do, nor do better than others, not worth taking so many public resources. "He told Xinhua. Ding Zu伋, such actions are most often exchange between him and his mother. 85-year old mother had a stroke, mobility,Last month broke his leg in plaster, consider wheelchair focus of instability, friction does not apply, he mother with a cloth bag, hold in front, closer to home the Chi Mei Hospital. Ding Zu draw a total of brother and sister four people, he is my brother, brother and sister, or in the United States, or in Taipei, his daily servings of the mother is a person. However, as long as there is time, families are coming together. MotherPersonally four small brother very dearly, Ding Zu伋 see how the filial piety. Now talk to the mother of the most impressive words, Ding Zu伋 think that it is "educating the next generation". During four years in Changhua County, Ding Zu伋 commutes between Tainan, Changhua was to look upon old age parents. In order to make it easier to take care of his mother, he even turned down aOthers seem excellent "Upsizing" opportunity because Taipei is too far away from the mother to work. Ding Zu伋 select one in Tainan City authorities took office, although became a regular staff member, Deputy Director, but he is very happy. Because you can get up early in the morning, breakfast for mother, changed his clothes, with a mother's breath of fresh air, and work in before 8; 12.1 for lunch from workCooking can go home to mother. "Promotions, money, wealth, is one of the normal requirements, and family, is no longer important," he says, "and not wait, how sad it is pain". Five years ago, to round-the-clock care for mothers, Ding Zu draw three years earlier. Feeding, and emancipated wipe body, dressing, grooming, and, in every possible way. His mother every day andPro-ate and slept, not very familiar to the familiar, now seems to be the mother of the "mother". "I and my mother is the community of life. "He described himself and his mother. His mother had been a wish, to visit relatives on the Mainland. When the wishes of mother "lost wisdom", and taking care of mother back to health to be the first priority. ReporterDing Zu伋 of service prior to retirement in Tainan. Lift the old colleague had gone a few years, staff praise. "He's always so love your mother, even willing to pay for his mother's life. "Ding Zu Chen Renlong draw colleagues said, in 2005, his parents to filial piety, decided to give up the opportunities for advancement are feeling; for more time to take care of his family, he is also veryLess participation in various leisure gathering. Zhou Yu朣 had two daughters, babbling, do not know the personnel. But when you see the mother cell phone photos, they quiet down. A man named "Xie Xiaorong" Netizen said: "working in a hospital, seen countless illness, thought I had numbness sth Seeing this scene, like back when I first stepped into clinical mood of sth Let the whole worldPeople know that love in time. "Netizens," Chen Maoguang "says," think of how parents care for their eye as a child, how do we pay? Pick up the phone and speak with parents, MOM and dad, I love you. ”…… Zhou Yu朣 to this picture called "out love", today, this love from Taiwan, have spread throughout the world, to everyone's heart. (AccountabilityEdit: Yu Xiwen)

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