Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera power leveling wanted to say I love you is not easy to" Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notic

129764786828281250_128"The gem: wanted to say I love you is not easy to" Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notice: trading less than two years recommended delisting rules don't play with gem gem completed by the brokerage account opening conditions tightened gem "gem charm lie? "New shares were again stir the gem, the gem index" gold fishing "gem is growing significantly in sight" special unit "preference for second Board in Shenzhen Stock ExchangeNotice: trading recommendations don't play less than two years the gem before following the Shenzhen Stock Exchange General Manager Song Liping in "3・15" Investor Service stressed that deepening the implementation of gem on the week after investors of appropriate management, Member unit of Shenzhen Stock Exchange continue to brokers and other major issued relating to further deepen the implementation of the new market investors of appropriate management of notice (following JaneSaid notification), Member of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, including brokers, to put forward "new applications for less than 2 years experience trading investors tera power leveling, may not, in principle, for which opened the gem trade" 8 specific requirements. Investors insist on opening you should keep evidence of the recent, major domestic brokerages from Shenzhen Stock Exchange continues to receive an important notice concerning further deepening the implementation of gemInvestors of appropriate management of notifications. The daily economic news reporter channel according to the documents obtained by securities firms, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, "to tie in with the next step of delisting, the gem system implemented diablo 3 gold, effective boot prudent investor participation in the gem", calling on all members from the eight specific aspects of deepening the gem market investors of appropriate management. Notice the second article clearly refers to, "New applications for less than 2 years experience trading investors, may not, in principle, for which opened the gem trade". At the same time, for 2 years ' trading experience but the risk assessment results showed low risk tolerance (conservative) new investors, the Shenzhen stock exchange requirements "shall not, in principle, for which opening the gem trade". If the investors insist on opening the gem, then"Response to the client application, risk revealing and related advice through written, electronic or recording, or more leaving marks, for verification". Customer care education on low asset in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange notification, has opened the gem trading investor has made a number of specific provisions. Among them, has been opened but the follow-up assessment results show that low risk tolerance, Analysis of Shenzhen stock exchange requirements keep track their trading behavior and profit and loss, risk and education for targeted measures; on opening capital account yields of less than $ 100,000, less than 2 years experience trading customer, you should pay close attention to their participation in the gem trade, risk by trading system, text messaging, and other effective means tera gold, continued to persuade its prudent participation in venture capitalBoard transactions. In addition, Shenzhen or customer contact and visit requirements do gem, establishing liaison visit failed customer tracking and verification mechanisms, ensuring effective customer contact rates above 95%, the gem. The daily economic news reporter was informed that starting from March 14, guosen securities, capital securities, including securities firms have come to receive such notice. WhileAccording to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on February 23 said, is expected to complete in the first quarter of this year under the GEM listing rules amendment, approved after delisting, the gem of the new system will be implemented. (Economic news daily) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. InvestorsFor, at your own risk. Others:

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