Monday, March 26, 2012

tera gold Government-related functions - QTA

129764484647656250_21"Of the financial report," according to Xinhua 16th report, Changsha city tera gold, Hunan province ningxiang County Government policies, guiding private capital investment in affordable housing construction, project financing and project progress. Reports, ningxiang County, there are four existing affordable housing financing, the first is the investment promotion agency construction, early stage of investment by the construction business-building; the second is Developer Zone fundingConstruction after the completion of Government; the third carrier unit is built, that is buy swtor, the enterprises building their own; IV is bringing together developers of society-building, all property developers. Quoted in ningxiang County is Liu Hua, Deputy Director of housing Security Council describes tera gold, in financing Government-funded, Government-owned property right preliminary introduction of developer resources, according to the Bank's base rate interest; at the same time the GovernmentTo the developers of 5% management fees and return. Direct investment of developer, developer owns property, and rent Government in the area of taxation, land concessions.   Ningxiang County public rental construction projects using a mode of financing, property rights owned by all developers. Is Liu Hua said, for construction of private capital investment in affordable housing, whether developers or builders, ningxiangIn accordance with strict procedures to tender. By bidding and tendering, development and construction of selected investment agent or team. In addition, Government-related functions, including finance, development and reform and housing security, auditing, supervision of several joint, approved on housing quality, housing, rent and property management for control. "Author:" "financial report" "(responsibility seriesReview: quiet) Others:

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