Wednesday, March 14, 2012

wot power leveling and many customers have and the company signed an agreement of intent - TUV

129756355810781250_234According to British media reports on 6th, recently, United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, "sa ' companies" to global customers with "Mummy making" service to anyone pay cost around 40,000 pounds, they can be scientists after the death of his made into a modern version of "the Mummy". To date, chewing at least 1500 people from all over the world, and SA-companyContact, including some celebrities! Let the dead to enjoy "the Pharaoh" treatment, according to reports world of tanks power leveling, this was called "SA-Sam" Mummy production company located in United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, the company is clearly only a mummy making company in the world. The impression of most people, usually just ancient Egypt after the death of Pharaoh and the Royal family members are entitled to be made into mummies "Privileges ". Last year, the death of one suffering from lung cancer United Kingdom bierlisi the taxi driver was United Kingdom scientists, turning it into a modern version of "the Mummy", immediately stir the world. However, the sa ' companies already have started to "making Mummy" service, the company is often made for customers death pet mummies, but since 2008, the company says they can also "peopleCustomers to "prepare" human Mummy! " Recipe and ancient Egypt different according to the company's customer's Adviser luoen��dimu said, scientists make the company a modern version of "the Mummy" and ancient Egypt mummies made law is not exactly the same, ancient Egypt, producers of the mummy is thorough "dehydration" operations, while SA-James company scientists are any body immersed inIn a fluid tank containing chemicals world of tanks power leveling, for at least 70 days of "hydration" response.����This method produced a modern version of "the Mummy" would not like ancient Egypt Mummy look so terrible, and even over hundreds of years, after thousands of years, are still vivid. Have been produced for many pets "Mummy" sa ' companies have so farPets make customer's death "the Mummy", which includes dozens of dogs, cats, peacocks, brambling and pet rats. Dies made of pet mummies the whole process needs to take 90 days, the company produced expert body first of all pets need to be within the liver, lungs, intestines and other internal organs all out, then clean pet body treatment, followed by dead pets-dipIn a chemical solution for at least 70 days of "hydration".����Zhihou, experts in the pet's body coated with wax and lanolin and wrapped in several layers of cotton and glass fibers, and finally made of pet wot power leveling, "Mummy" steel packed into sealed in a copper coffin or coffins. Status celebrity signed a protocol of intent but, SA charges for making Mummies ' company for the death of a petNot cheap, make a cat Mummy would cost 3,600 pounds, making a dog Mummy spent 15,000 pounds, the company produced for customers of the death of a "human Mummy", charge up to around 40,000 pounds! But so far, at least 1500 people from all over the world, "potential customers" are chewing and SA-company contactExpressed the hope that his own death will be made from the company a modern version of "the Mummy", and many customers have and the company signed an agreement of intent, including a number of sports stars and a military figure. Contributing writer Shen Zhizhen

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