Friday, March 23, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling 129756711503125000_619 - TXY

129756711503125000_619Hong Liming broadband strategy of China made, triggering a "two sessions," deputies and members of hot, for specific problems in the implementation of the strategy, many NPC deputies and CPPCC members made valuable recommendations. , Member of the National Committee of the Ministry of Telecommunications Research Institute Lei Zhenzhou tera gold, Deputy Director of science and technology in its proposal recommended, by the national development and Reform Commission, or Ministry project to establish "China broadband map", as soon as possible "State broadband map "key links of construction programmes and research. Lei Zhenzhou in the 2009 session of the second meeting of the National Committee had submitted proposals, call for the development of national strategies for broadband upgrade to. He believed that human society during the great transformation for the transition from the industrial society to the information society, and opportunities of broadband era is to hold, and broadband is occupying the commanding heights. Broadband is not onlyIs promoting information technology, sustainable development of important economic and social infrastructure and a solid backing in cyberspace to defend national sovereignty. Without broadband, network warfare, losing no doubt; no broadband, in the fight against terror, turmoil in the event it will be difficult to quickly; there is no broadband, it cannot be truly effective implementation of tele-education, telemedicine diablo 3 power leveling, remote collaboration, productive application; there is noBroadband, you cannot effectively support mobile Internet, cloud computing, Internet of things diablo 3 power leveling, prosperity and development of strategic industries such as next-generation Internet. Lei Zhenzhou, said the United States in order to ensure the effective deployment of broadband infrastructure of this important, first of all, the Government launched a national broadband strategy, then develop a 377-page national broadband plan, 2011 has launched a United States bandMaps, forms a trilogy of coordination. So-called broadband map monitoring, assessment and information service system, in the form of maps to visually show the broadband deployment and the development process of the community, not only can a comprehensive, timely progress and problems, but also to provide services to the public, such as query broadband data and related information, and the Government on the quality of broadband servicesInteractive communication. Broadband mapping is to protect the smooth implementation of the broadband strategy Broadband goal and a very effective means of implementation. Imbalances in the vast, population and development, particularly necessary. In this regard, Lei Zhenzhou recommendations, by the national development and Reform Commission, or Ministry project to establish "China broadband map", after the establishment of project teams as soon as possible, "China broadband map" keyLink and study the construction scheme. Full learning and broadband map construction based on the experience of other countries for reference to size up the resource base and technical conditions for establishing broadband maps, put forward the "China broadband map" of the target system, the data source you want, release mechanism and shows programmes such as, develop practical steps and a phased implementation plan, and study construction widthMap of need supporting policies and measures and special funds scheme. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

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