Sunday, March 11, 2012

wot power leveling China Mobile hasBasic network operator's licence and IDC business - OQN

129756355814687500_244Lang Lang China Radio and TV network company (hereinafter referred to as "net") form of "scandal" still in fermentation, the latest is a telecom operator China Mobile (micro-blogging) about to share network. "China Mobile is working with the Administration in the negotiations. "Members of the radio and TV industry told reporters:" this is a solid all-round cooperation agreement negotiations。 Among them, including China Mobile and CMMB mobile TV in the renewal of and participation in the field of wide-spread, including cooperation with the business and equity of State grid Corporation of China Mobile. "Have been modified world of tanks power leveling, in early February of this year, State grid Corporation of construction scheme of network convergence working group on audit by the State Council, and submitted to the State Council for examination and approval. According to the established process, State grid is expected in June this yearListing.  Worthy of note is that in addition to the existing administration, a supervising unit of the State grid Corporation also joined the telecommunications-related departments. A message that, apart from the incumbent Administration Deputy Director Zhang Haitao Chairman is expected to be the country network, a one China Mobile's Vice President also is expected to join the network became the General Manager of the company. Of this, about Guangzhou Branch of China Mobile said: "Mobile signed a three-year cooperation agreement with radio and TV, using radio and TV 120 million existing set-top box and TV bi-directional network to cable broadband service in cooperation, capital aspects of cooperation between the two sides is still in discussion. "Shares of China Mobile network is not groundless. And if things finalized, China Mobile, and cooperation in the field of radio and television in the cable broadband will be three networks convergenceImportant breaking, and also compensate for the weakness of win-win options. "Win-win" cooperation is both a triple play an important break and compensate for the weakness of a win-win situation to select reporters learned in March, China Mobile and CMMB operators of wide-spread in the first 3-year cooperation agreement will expire, the two sides have reached a preliminary agreement for continued cooperation, in addition to extend the scope of cooperationOutside, China Mobile in hand CCTV stakes CMMB has also become a conclusion. But this is only a fraction of China Mobile in cooperation with radio. "On the move, always wanted to make up for the short cable broadband, not only visited the original wired broadband service users is small, and is a product of marketing. In this case, China Mobile in order to break China Telecom(Micro-blogging), China Unicom (micro-blogging) monopoly in the cable broadband field, you must use another off-the-shelf radio and TV networks.  "Bao Ran radio and TV industry experts told reporters. According to the package revealed wot power leveling, beginning in the second half of last year, China Mobile's senior and State grid Corporation, led by Zhang Haitao preparatory group began to meet multiple communications co, has now reached a framework cooperation intention."This is a win-win option," Bao Ran says, "as far as on radio and TV, triple play since his original nearly 5 million broadband users are beginning to face the loss of city plan and especially telecom operators launched in 2011 optical networks for broadband in most cities after speed increase, loss of users even greater pressure faced by radio and TV. "Reporter learned that, wired only the East 2011Annual loss of over 10% users and telecommunications "cable broadband 3G subscription IPTV" set the hit on radio and TV digital TV and broadband services.  While on the other hand, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom's business packages to its core user impact. But if cooperation with administration of China Mobile wot power leveling, China Mobile hasBasic network operator's licence and IDC business, even Internet outlet, and administration of integration when will has nearly 200 million users of digital television, interactive network of more than 100 million users, will find the best combination of interests between the two sides. Move can't be too large stake in China Mobile, the mystery of the stake in Guangzhou mobile one official said, "China Mobile Protocol is implemented in cooperation with radio and television in the field of broadband, mobile marketing capabilities and underlying network operator qualifications, together with radio and TV user base, even if the end user conversion rate is only 30%, mobile broadband is expected to exceed the size of China Unicom. "" It is clear that if the full range of mobile and broadcasting cooperation, China's cableChina Telecom, the band is currently a single situation will be changed. "Television industry expert Wu Chunyong says:" cable broadband competition in the field of change, three complete service operators a competitive situation will form. "For radio and television, in fact, cooperation with China Mobile broadband service and sharing are just some desire, deep-pocketed China Mobile's financial supportFor its needs. Reporters learned in 2011, administration of network convergence working group submitted to the State Council of the State network project, has proposed to the Ministry of finance injected $ 80 billion to $ 100 billion to address the needs of subsequent funding requirements and asset consolidation, but this plan was rejected in September last year. In October last year, State administration of modifying resubmit after injection of 15$ 0 programme, in early February this year was finally adopted by the preliminary audit, but inject size has been greatly reduced. "Participating State grid Corporation is a realistic choice of China Mobile, while still holding the SARFT State grid Corporation, but upgrading the NGB will make China Mobile in the future of cable broadband competition in the fight for advantage, NGB after the completion of the access rate of more than 100 trillion.  "Bao Ran said.  In addition, existing outside the Administration, will soon set up China radio network also will join the telecom regulatory units of relevant authorities. This means that after broadcasting on exclusive operation of cable networks regulation becomes parallel with the departments in charge of telecom-related regulation, implementation of the peer. New company, will inject the Telecommunications Department of the company andDepartment of radio and television of double "background". However, shares of China Mobile network needs network listing as soon as possible and complete more than 20 provinces of network assets. At present, the national cable network assessments amounted to $ 150 billion in total assets, net assets of more than 70 billion dollars, plus the assessment value of assets of listed company, the cable network's total assets of about $ 180 billion, it is clear that China MobileStake in the participating countries are also cannot be too big. "The cooperation between China Mobile and radio, video, communications, and other fields has an absolute advantage, while cable broadband are also great pressure on the telecommunications. "Bao Ran also points out that" such cooperation may be facing competition authorities investigate threats. "Triple play most stocks rose 7.3% Shanghai belling rose China RadioNetwork plan triple woes or end break through the IPTV triple play into the fast track development and Reform Commission expert Shi Wei: triple play plunge TV remix computer consumer electronics products to break the triple play confinement of triple expansion mode of Tianjin lead

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