Sunday, March 4, 2012

blade & soul gold prices may be doubled through the next five years - GOR

129742938778281250_53The 1th page: Chen Baocun: the next five years House prices may have to page through them the 2nd page: sledgehammer: House price buy points how to build? On February 16, organised by the fenghuangwang and fenghuangwang properties, Phoenix, Phoenix video and phone assisted fenghuangwang 2012 Phoenix real estate Summit 2011 award ceremony in Beijing Pangu wineShop. At the Summit, national real estate fenghuangwang real estate exclusive dialogue Manager Chen Baocun, Deputy Secretary General of the League.   He said Government regulation of real estate should be failed in recent years, is almost 9 years of negative regulation of all policies, in my eyes there is no remedy. Chen Baocun: but, after all, is because it is spending to achieve this waterFlat, also belongs to the State of imbalance of supply and demand in the market, prices rose faster.   Fenghuangwang real estate: in recent years, a range of regulation of real estate, including a number of reform measures, do you think that success? Chen Baocun: should fail, I also said that a lot of this is the case, is almost 9 years of negative regulation of all policies, in my eyes at allThere is no remedy. Then there is no problem does not appear when start regulation, regulation but also to examples in Shanghai, Beijing China.   So in 2005 there was a Word, we often say is that "Shanghai is ill, the national medicine" as a pair of prescription, so its effect is extremely poor. Because we know, 2003Start control, including to 2005, three or four lines of many cities did not actually start high speed development of real estate, is the child was born, would have to stop, so that, coupled with the land policy, this time knot, very accurate policy introduced, coupled with the effects of this policy, the last is cities are basically two or three linesFried up.   So policy from beginning to end, I think all is lost. Fenghuangwang real estate: when you talk about just now also raised the issue of land, land prices are high and, now, for example land finance. Land reform issues do you think? Privatization of land, many people think that it may need, no longer monopolized by the Government to unify, to unify the land, thus thePrice high, what do you think? Chen Baocun: this is, one does not know what the financial, is that this is definitely more is "mentally retarded" is, if private land eq2 platinum, in the land acquisition process, it is necessary to levy, the price will be higher, more promotion of high land price rises, and at the same time high speed push House prices up again.So I've been saying, prices may be doubled through the next five years, this was based on five-year through doubled as a basis, a demolition Ordinance is based on rural land. Today I look at the Premier of the State Council also stressed that rural demolition Ordinance must this year, State-owned land demolition Ordinance last year, has been introduced in cities and towns, but the introduction of these policies, fact packsEnclosed to privatization transition of, that yihou land of acquisition more difficult, because these a land, it to has people personal of hand inside, that Government then took came then do land shouchu, then do house development of when, then do land transfer aoc gold, including various industrial Foundation facilities of construction, industrial construction, Foundation facilities construction, they easy, yihou are to high speed of growth, this is is does notRight, they simply do not understand what is called a-level development.   A reporter this morning I, I put this topic, I would have said, this is not good, he doesn't understand.   Fenghuangwang property: for someone out of a prescription, let go of property right of small room gives mass to enter the market, the pharmacies and what do you think? Chen Baocun: this is actually a mean, finishIs a concept completely, lift the property rights of small rooms. Property rights of small houses, actually what when? Because of rural collective land blade & soul gold, it can be by the village government, Governments at the village level, and then to the township government, this is absolutely a leading case, so set aside the interests of people out this small property development, this construction, but this construction, it actuallyNo we land on a-level construction of pipeline facilities in the development process, not this. Again, this building actually people, particularly people in rural areas, and not in the construction of any benefit, you can not. We are a three-part, even as the Guangdong side, three minutes, how do you build a House, three per person. So they gotViews throughout the property rights of small rooms, for the future of rural land, regardless of direction of privatization, also is the trend, the expropriation, that is wrong in the end.

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