Thursday, March 1, 2012

aoc gold forgive us - KIR

129749119894375000_40Palestinian in Hebron recently 3 thieves after the initiative to return property to the owner and accompanied by the confession book events, one of which returned to the owner and a half kilograms of gold. Palestinian police said on 26th tera gold, they recently received a report from Hebron firm, said the company laptop computer stolen. Subsequent investigation by the police. But the company told the police the following day, theftNotebook "is now" before the company office building with a piece of paper, wrote: "Please forgive me! "Police said the third similar case was Hebron province in recent years. A report from a Hebron last month, said his half a kilo of gold and other valuables stolen. After the police investigation took fingerprints of suspects. But, the owner in front of the next day found the stolen wealthAnd a confession letter. Wrote in a letter: "who's doing good, will feel peace, forgive us swtor credits! "Police believe that active return of stolen property should be thieves conscience. In a statement aoc gold, the police advised the Palestinians abiding in, accommodation not to see him as evil. (Xinhua News Agency)

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