Saturday, January 7, 2012

protection of shareholders ' rights should be the starting point

129667889719365392_300Gem recently issued by the SFC, the company profit-sharing rules require, the gem company profit-sharing commitments need to be written to the company's Charter, and as a matter of major in the prospectus Home tips. According to the Commission request, the issuer should be clear in the articles: issue shares to be listed after profit distribution policies, including the distribution of profits, cash dividends in the form of specific conditions and paymentsThe amount or ratio, specific conditions, the distribution of profits to distribute stock dividends during the interval, such as distribution of profits shall perform the procedure for the consideration.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Issuers of decision on distribution of profit plan and adjustment mechanisms also need toClear in the articles.  As a result of large changes in the external business environment and internal operation of the need to adjust the profit distribution policy, protection of shareholders ' rights should be the starting point, at the general meeting of shareholders for detailed demonstration and explanation in the proposal. Of the SFC to require issuers in prospectuses Home on the dividend policy for "significant matters tips", to issue shares to be listed after the profitDistribution policy, made specific plans to reward plan, dividend policy and dividends instructions. This corresponds to, sponsor organizations, lawyers and intermediaries such as reporting accountants have many duties, to the issuer's dividend policy disclosure verification and the verification opinion. Special requirements of the SFC, verification of intermediaries should indicate whether the profit distribution policy issuers focus onGiving investors steady returns the old republic power leveling, whether it is conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors star wars the old republic power leveling, company prospectus and prospectus disclosure of profit distribution matters, such as the existence of relevant provisions.

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