Sunday, January 8, 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling hit a 3-month high. However GCY

129667864472490392_408The end of October, Japan the authorities in the foreign exchange market intervention--selling Yen to buy dollars again.  This is within 3 months of Japan the second separate interventions of the authorities, use of intervention resources to reach a record 10 trillion yen. On October 31, in Japan under the intervention of the authorities, and the dollar all the way to increase, from lowest 75.55 was raised to 79.51, hit a 3-month high. However, due to lead to a stronger yen market factors have not changed, so intervention does not reverse the trend of a stronger yen.  Since October 31 Yen slowly strengthened the dollar from 79.51 per cent to 76.8. Market factors of risk aversion sentiment is the strength of the yen is the world's financial markets risk aversionRising, dampening Japan investor enthusiasm for capital outflows Diablo 3 Power Leveling, against its previous demand for investment funds in the global risk market return, leading to market flows beneficial to Yen. Triggered risk aversion of the most important reason is that Europe's debt crisis. Fears that Italy and Greece between the newly formed the so-called expert Government although a detached party colors, but the birth of the non-elected, lack ofDomestic political base, may not be able to play to promote the two countries would further burden of austerity policies and economic reforms.  Italy 10-year bond yield to maturity again soaring public debt financing costs I'm dying to 7% above, reflects such concerns in the market. In addition, France third-quarter GDP growth 0.5%, only France Government estimates theHalf the level of economic growth, market concerns France Government in 2012 budget plan could not be achieved. France is into the European debt crisisRisk sentiment, another reason is that Japan found during the end of the stock market is down.  Indicates that the stock market downturn risk asset markets for Japan domestic money less attractive. Intervention threat to Japan after the powerful intervention of authorities on October 31 Diablo 3 Power Leveling, accompanied by the re-slowly climb of the yen against the dollar, Japan authorities still keep the pressure on the market of the State of alert.Japan Finance Minister Chun frequently shouting out to the market in the near future, saysQuot; the recent uptrend in the yen does not reflect the fundamentals. Rise in the yen against the euro and the dollar reflects the euro-zone debt issues and the United States economy is weakSpeculative net long 54,279 hands, then, on November 8, speculative net long Japanese Yen rebounded to 28,077 hands only. Intervention threatened to stop the yen appreciation has inhibitory effects, but limited role. For example, October 31 intervention the dollar raise only to 79.51, failed to break through at that time located near 79.88 200-day moving averageOn October 31, intervention scale of 10 trillion yen is far greater than on August 4 4.5 trillion yen, but reached the height of less than per cent on August 4.  This reflects the intervention of space just to try to block the yen strengthened, or delay the momentum of the strength of the yen, to time in exchange for space. Short term is still strong from a technical view, the dollar is currently50 week moving average of the equivalent line, located near 80.14 weekly decline 10 to 15 points. The dollar depends on market forces to break through the line of pressure, you also need time to wait on the line down.  Therefore, it is in the yen is still in a strong trend. However, the dollar weeks line MACD indicator has been in gold fork state below the 0 axis, and gradually toRunning on monthly line MACD indicator also appears below the 0 axis low gold fork.  This suggests that at the end of this year or first quarter of next year, Yen strength or will be reversed. Short-term, dollar-Yen is expected to be suppressed by the 30-week moving average of 78.5, support in the vicinity of 75.7.

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