Sunday, January 8, 2012

for the city

129667864513115392_511Beijing property market has been a long time not so busy. 13,000 yuan/square meter, 11,800 Yuan/square meter, 9,980 Yuan/square meter sth  Beijing regional house prices lowest in constantly refreshed, "CD" and "million" also reproduced the rivers and lakes.  So, bottom-feeding of buying a House boat people. Lower prices spread recently, check and herBoyfriend had been East third ring road in Beijing World Trade Center, radiation in the region of jinsong East kept watch House. "We intend to get married next year, before had always felt that housing prices are too high, did not want to buy a House, but the property market this year seen the situation, I also fixed bottom to buy a House, ' the evil impulse '.  "The search, said Ms. Indeed, according to data from real estate transactions and management network in Beijing, as ofOn November 24, the Beijing Tongzhou, Daxing suburbs such as average transaction value of the property market has continued to decline for 4 consecutive months, and decreased gradually deepened, the current contract price compared to the highest point lower than 15%.  Average overall downward adjustment of regional transactions at the same time, there are more buildings surrounding price near 30% project. On November 19, six ring is situated in the South of Lake eraCelestial Street officially opened foreign sales, its starting price of $ 11,800/square metres has been near or even below include land prices, costs, installation cost, tax and marketing price.  This price makes 216 houses opening day of its launch was to subscribe to a blank. Longhu era Celestial Street opened in almost the same time, located near the Tongzhou Majuqiao Hopson world gardenAnnounced its 9,980 Yuan/sq m opened outside starting price.  The price compared with 16,000 RMB/sqm average regional sales project, reduced near 40%, close to the current level of prices in yanqing, exurb in mentougou district. "At present the city's housing market the price of goods is expected to gradually clear, the project continued to grow, intensified, effects of further consolidation。  "Beijing Zhongyuan Dawei Zhang, analyst at market research department believes that the current real estate market" price-for "integrated situation that has been formed, project price reduction by the" dark drop "then" Ming Jiang ". According to the chain of real estate market research Department of statistics, in a recent Beijing property market a series of lower-priced into the stock market project. Celestial Street including longhu times and Hopson, gardens of the world, has more than 10 multiple suburbsProject sales of commercial housing price is close to or drop $ mark, this part of the project are mainly concentrated in yizhuang, Daxing, shunyi district, project developers have their financial Street, Fuli, low price Hopson and other famous enterprises. Not only in Beijing, according to the NBS, October first tier price link index number of 99.83, rendering a continuous decline of the situation.Price effect of first-tier cities also conduction to the surrounding city. Chain of real estate market statistics first-tier cities, research in 10 major cities around October commercial residence sold for price changes over time, the results show, in addition to micro-xianghe and Tianjin rises, remaining in Langfang, Wuxi, Suzhou, Foshan, Dongguan in 8 cities with varying degrees of decline. In September, the 10 citiesHousing prices have only 6 down and price levels are not very clear.  When is the end?  However, the fall in housing prices are still feeling a bit ineffective. Taking Beijing as an example star wars the old republic power leveling, chain home property market research Department of statistics showed that while Beijing commercial housing contract price decline of 5 per cent from the month in a row, since November average price is $ 21,061/sq m, adjustableControlled falling about at the beginning of 11%, and the beginning of last year compared to rose 12%, Tai Hing, shunyi, Tongzhou, and suburbs such as the monthly contract price remains at more than 14,000 yuan/square meter, Chief Analyst of the chain home real estate type builded judgment: "Tongzhou and Fangshan, prices are far from bottoming. "As just one of the hand family, Miss check in the selected room in respectExceptions and tangled with caution. "Fear of decline in house prices ' village that was not the shop ', but are afraid to buy a House after house prices will continue to fall, I really don't know what is the price at the bottom. "" Now is certainly not the bottom of the market. "Zhang Dawei, said currently has returned to the market area for the King, for the city, especially within five rings project, due to lots of scarcity the old republic power leveling, So adjustment will not be too large; suburb of supply, prices will drop faster. The "but judging from the present situation, at least to the policy will not be relaxed in the first half of next year, would be unable to exclude subsequent developers also appears throwing products in, therefore bottom-still need to be cautious. "All the signs indicate that, in order to discourage such as on search of Miss such concerns, seek volumeRose, many developers willing to give a commitment of the post returned. On November 2, the Metro real estate is located in Shanghai nanxiang, Jiading new city residence launched 100 sets of special decoration of houses, the average price of 20,000 yuan/sq m, representing an early fall of more than 20%, and ingenuity to launch "insured programmes": for early owners of the original purchase, and sales offices to supplement the difference, and every purchaseCustomers to buy a special room, will sign a hedge Agreement guaranteed 3 months before the House, if there are any houses sold below of this special offer, will be at the minimum price of compensation for the difference. Coincidentally, on November 17, the Ordos Tian Yu issued a circular on national treasure items in the local media not only now, new owners of buying a House can be a minimum of 66 percent discount,In the past bought the old owners of the House, after the favourable difference in full compensation. Moreover, the home protection scheme will continue to be issued until May 1, 2012. That is, if the next year, "labor day" front, Tian Yu treasures price again, developers will also once again to the landlord the difference between the compensation. The project-related, that the company has prepared 30 million yuan in the near futureCash by stages and in groups to draw the attention of owners to sales offices to apply for.  According to the chain of real estate market research Department of statistics, in addition to Shanghai and Ordos, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Changsha, weinan, over more than 10 cities such as Changchun, Yangzhou over more than 20 flats has been-"post", "no price" promises of sale binding with the low prices. "Just cut even closer to the cost priceMay not bring bottom point down signal to buyers, but also more than a paper promise book prices hit bottom, and also ended the project future devaluation expectations. "Type builded analysis, reflecting the developer end of urgency of the sale, low prices and compensation pledge-bound promotions, sacrifice current sales profits, but also for next year's prices continued to dropRisk costs paid in advance. House letter? g vibes Hu Swiss commentators were of the view that this is more of a real estate enterprise's short-term rapid withdrawal of funds for the winter at the end. His judgment, along with monetary policy bottomed, enterprise's cash flow situation next year are also expected to be significantly changed. "Anticipated future, sustainable housing and enterprise-scale price cuts less likely, from that standpoint,Now on the property market ' turning point ', bottom-still too early to buy a House. ”

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