Sunday, December 25, 2011

November 26-Vincent Siew attend the evening of 25th in the Taiwan Strait

129667750450302892_100Network the old republic power leveling, November 26-Vincent Siew attend the evening of 25th in the Taiwan Strait, "United States Institute in Taiwan (AIT)" organized by "Americans in Taiwan's footsteps swtor power leveling, 1950-1980" roving exhibition delivers a speech noted that in the hope that Taiwan and the United States on the solid foundation of existing, future will continue to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields. "The United States in Taiwan," Deputy Director Ma Yirui Express,For AIT the site meaningful, organizing exhibitions here, just like home cordial, the old building has witnessed Taiwan and the United States had long friendships. This exhibition would like to stress is the United States and Taiwan in the areas of culture, education, social

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