Thursday, December 15, 2011

[literature] 1949

129668652388281250_36Beijing bright spot is that on the power of leading cadres to reconfigure swtor credits, run the monitoring configuration, power focus on power structures, information, prevention and control of the three things while running public power flow chart.   This gives power to an open, transparent, monitor important step forward. Corruption, a number of reasons. One end of a very serious, but power does not expose, Not transparent, not scientific, inducing power whenever convenient corruption, quite free. That is what we call corruption at the source, especially in the power of unscientific as the key. Recommended reading Deputy Director of Guangdong's Health Department: how many people really understand how a doctor? Possibility euro collapse rose [political] strongman class public opinion reflects the parties [Economic] a "digPit be built "[social] leave the international standard [hot] behind the illegal construction of Chaoshan airport [literature] leader-known hobby (photo) [literature] 1949: Chiang Kai-shek suffered a fatal blow water skin: funding will return the property market downturn stock market Beijing outgoing message, right to promote the right to decision-making, implementation, monitoring," three rights "relative isolation, due toIts both restraint and mutual coordination. It was the party's 17 large deployment of public authority reform task, Beijing bright spot is that on the power of leading cadres to reconfigure, run the monitoring configuration, power focus on power structures, information, prevention and control of the three things while running public power flow chart. Take an open, transparent, which makes power supervision and an important step, which isRun standardized and scientific powers. Scientific value orientation in line with the general trend of the reform of public power, but is still a long way, but every step forward is important.   The reason is that such reform as ocean liners correction, target heading adjustment slowly, but ensure that the forward speed and stability. Such scientific reform, first of all, you should address is rightPower overload. That is, a partial uninstallation of power, making power more freely open. Over the years from central to local levels are significantly reducing administrative examination and approval power swtor power leveling, that is, the right to such a reduction. Beijing to reconfigure the power of leading cadres, strengthen leadership over the main power restriction to avoid concentration of power, is also a right to such a reduction. Do not make a person too much power, too absolute, corruption would not beCool, too challenging the public's imagination. Power doesn't have his own way, the key is right. This power is restraint, but an institutional mechanism, allow power to be less at convenience, not its powers of control, no matter how big the temptation he could only look on and not in the interest of reaching. Thus, reflect on the effect of anti-corruption, is to make the chain of corruption extended. Corruption is to complete a formCorruption, you must fix all links of the chain, which links the more, the greater cost of corruption, leaked, the greater the risk of corruption. Most have the potential to place the reform of public power supervision. His reform of the scientific performance supervision system and mechanism to introduce a full range of powers. "For power to run in the Sun" is subject to the supervision. In addition to powersAddition to the monitoring system itself, of supervision of forces to be reckoned with, used well, as to the power set of a spot on the invisible cage, always afraid when using power from the perspective of all sides. However, faced with social supervision, not all the powers who are willing, some being watchdogs will often shameful rage. This requires accepting supervision system design, andNot only is the power of mind. System to ensure the legitimacy of such oversight, science, such oversight is also at the same time be scientific and standardized, then social supervision is an important and constructive force for power.

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