Sunday, December 18, 2011

Local time on November 26

129668732748593750_100Local time on November 26, NATO fighters cross the border after the air raid post resulted in serious casualties in Pakistan, Pakistan announced the closing of the NATO mission in Afghanistan force material supply lines local time on November 26, militia at NATO material supply routes of Pakistan Torr ridge of the Palestinian border town on the road (Torkham) stand guard zhongxinwang, November 27Integrated media, 26th in Pakistan condemns NATO helicopters had attacked a check post in Pakistan, over more than 20 Pakistani army officers killed in the attack. Government of Pakistan announced that Shuts down the NATO to Afghanistan all supply lines, and requested the United States within 15 days of withdrawal of a major air force base located in southwestern Pakistan. Cutting off supply lines demanded that the US withdrawal of BuckyStan military pointed out that a NATO helicopter around 26th at 2 o'clock in the morning local time, cross border attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan border post, which from 24 to 26, Pakistani soldiers were killed, over more than 10 soldiers were injured. Pakistani military said in a statement, that "no attacks on reason and indiscriminate" attacks in Pakistan's North West Frontier mohemande tribePort Sultan check posts from the Afghanistan border 2.5 km. After the incident swtor power leveling, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Jilani to convene meeting of Cabinet Ministers and heads of military emergency. Kyrgyzstan condemned NATO attacks are attacks on the unity and sovereignty of Pakistan. Pakistan immediately announced by the military, immediately close to the Mission in Afghanistan NATO troops transported material supply lines, and asked the US military in 1Within 5 days of withdrawal of Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan Shemsi (Shamsi) air force base. Allegedly, Shamsi air base is also United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) secret base of deploying unmanned. Pakistan has asked the United States in June this year, withdrew from the base. The Pakistani Government also decided on with the United States, NATO and the international security assistance forceAll of the projects, activities, and cooperative agreements to revisit and reassess, covering diplomatic, political, military and intelligence activities of agreements with other countries. NATO has learned that the message expressed condolences, according to reports, the NATO spokesman said NATO warplanes "probably" attack on the Pakistan border outpost, caused the deaths of Pakistani soldiers. NATO spokesman Brigadier General Jacobsen said,NATO has investigated the causes about the incident and expressed condolences to Pakistan. He said that at that time, the NATO international security assistance force and Afghanistan soldier activities in the region, "ground tactical situation occurs". In addition, he had no more details. Jacobsen also said that ground troops reinforcements requested the air, "we know that this is likely to cause casualties swtor credits。 "It was also reported that Washington believed that mohemande tribal area as a stronghold of Al-Qaida activity, with other radical Taliban forces are plotting to attack us forces and stationed in Afghanistan national army. Pakistani analysts believe that the incident in the doldrums in the Pakistan-US relations will have a new negative impact.

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