Thursday, December 15, 2011

call operation

129668688812968750_149Bank financial management questions? Investors can't afford to lose? There have been "victims" stand up and expose banks "bloodied" acts, DBS Bank (Hong Kong), Hong Kong, Netherlands Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank, are on the list of the column. Investors ' massive losses, who is due to? Who should be responsible? What is the issue of Bank, and investors win but lose not? At Baidu search on "foreign banks ' huge losses" 6 words, jump out of a total of about 1.03 million information to verify this fact. Ordinary investors to China, "foreign monk good people" this sentence, in financing products issued by foreign banks was completely ineffective. But because foreign banks lacked flexibility and response mechanisms, losses in the face of financial products, in the face of investmentWhen the funding question, often become very passive, result in "loss" is constantly enlarged and banks are in this negative tug again and again lost the trust of investors. Standard Chartered was criticizing a few days ago behind closed doors because of huge losses, Standard Chartered Bank is the huge losses Shanghai China Banking Regulatory Commission criticized the closed-door session. Due to international economic instability, QDII product loss, butData loss is not only displayed in the database, the more so. From time to time the market standard chartered a product 90% the huge losses of outgoing messages. Sources said: a foreign rows tall "claimed", Shanghai Banking Council convened at foreign senior open the closed-door meeting, criticized the Chartered product 90% the huge losses, as well as participating banks reflect on self. However, with regard toThis "Chamber", has not been Shanghai CBRC positive response. But the Banking Council said foreign banks do want to note is that in terms of banking products of customer complaints, responses from the banks are more flexible than foreign banks. In addition, the financial products most of the complaints from the banks in regional branches can be resolved, but foreign bank related complaintTends to be submitted to Headquarters in Asia, long process times, negative impact financial products which will continue for a long time, a wider range. Hung microblogging anger Bank as early as early June, magazine publisher hung on its microblogging complaints Deutsche Bank on a non-guaranteed QDII (qualified domestic institutional investor) financial products, because of their "falling over" and was "acting withoutMiddle class ". As a celebrity with 2.46 million Twitter fan, Hung straight critics quickly raised concern and discussion on microblogging, a hot topic, within 48 hours of the micro-blogging has been forward nearly 2000, nearly 1000 comments, this is Ms hung the recent reaction of the most enthusiastic of microblogging. At present the Bank in China in Shanghai and NorthBeijing opened private banking network services in two places, and generally accepted by the customer assets of more than 3 million. At present, Deutsche Bank launched in China, only 10 QDII Fund product and the investment and continuous insurance products, and not linked to the development of subject-matter of the financial products such as commodities. But its all investment products are not guaranteed. Industry insiders said, foreign bankingOption investment there are four major market in the product structure, sorted by risk from small to large, followed by interest rates, exchange rate markets, stock markets and commodity markets, where the more popular commodity market of gold or crude oil ETF, linked with many products on the market, impact of higher yields. However, higher earnings mean higher risk, once a unexpected financial instability, these productsSuffer huge losses. Under normal circumstances, financial products to hedge against risk, often contain a variety of tools in its design. But in the process of selling products, it is clear that those bearish bet does not market the product. China's economic development for more than 30 years are steadily upward, domestic investors has inertia of linear thinking, generally do not have "bought" consciousness, and banking-related business sector primaryTasks or sales, sell, the more the better, naturally consciously cater to customers ' appetite for risk, the United States called "tailor". It is, therefore, the major foreign banks in the product design too on the same "CIS-cycle" approach led them to the financial crisis has suffered a financial product overall volatility severe dilemma. Born at is destined to be a tragedyViewing historical data at Standard Chartered Bank also found that the products of the Bank's statistics, QDII Merrill Lynch with a code of 200,710 "focus on Asia" financial products has resulted in massive losses of about 45%. The products on sale in December 2007. Standard Chartered is still in operation in the product also has paper losses, which concentrated on sale in 2007Years. He said these losses were because of the bad products on sale at a point in time, he met the global financial crisis. Standard Chartered Bank (China) personal banking wealth management Senior Portfolio Manager Feng Bo said, some available for sale in 2007, financial products, linked to the subject of a stock, Fund, index, and so, when you design a product nobody anticipated the financial crisis erupted, so these"It is destined to be difficult to reverse lost from the birth". Foreign financial products large losses, however, beginning this year, with the external market conditions began to improve, many foreign investors slowly on the line a lot of QDII products. These volatile products, belonging to the higher risk products. Deutsche Bank complained of estimates in this column. According to Puyi's wealth as of 2011Statistical data on January 18, running in paragraph 243 of QDII products, yield financial products have 95 new Trojan (39.09%). In other words, close to the 60% Trojan to negative yields or zero yields. Nature from the Bank, running from the banks 24 QDII products in, there are 6 items (25%) yields new Trojan is positive, and all products have been losses shall not exceed 50%; foreign banks are running in paragraph 219 of QDII products, 89 product (40.64%) cumulative yield is positive, there are 2 product losses more than half. From the perspective of running period, running from 6 months to 2 years of QDII productsParagraph 43 (total 17.7%), since running the average cumulative rate of 3.28%. In addition swtor power leveling, run more than 2 years period of QDII products of a total of 200 (82.3%), since the running average yields new Trojan-6.57%. On the black list of the top ten losses, HSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered three foreign-owned lineWas listed. Citi 4 seats, Standard Chartered, 3 seats, HSBC, the people's livelihood and CITIC one seat each. Among them, negative earnings ranking second is Standard Chartered Bank issued in the name of the selected Fund DWS climate fund dollars, reached-53.3% of negative earnings. In the currency of the loss of product, in addition to the dollar and the renminbi is the flagship, the yen and the euro. Effects of Citi'sRhodes series--the Global Fund Japan stock and BlackRock world financial Fund (euro), losses and 48.45%, respectively. Investor may redeem more or less since 2008 experience financial crisis, European debt crisis is still constantly spread so far, in the past in the market, a loss there are three main classes of financial products, first QDII financial products, securitiesInvestment financing products, there is a class of structured financial products. With the passage of time, securities investment financing products gradually expire now offering financial products is relatively conservative, and structured finance products as the previous two years was public criticism, it is relatively conservative, but there are also losses in the process of running. At present losses most visible when the number of QDII assetsGoods, as these financial products linked to major investments abroad or with foreign assets, and since 2008, the economic and financial problems one by one, volatile overseas market trend, which has also caused most of the QDII product's net worth is always difficult to turn over, and now this situation does not improve, financial products also continued to lose money. Therefore, theQDII Investors investment structure of financial products in addition to the need to focus on wealth management products, investment market is the focus of attention, selecting the relative safety of investing in assets. In addition, most QDII product set opening period, investors can purchase, and withdrawal, investors should be according to the investment market and financial performance of the product, call operation, in order to avoid losses continueExpand or loss of earnings. Foreign capital has product transformation in the near future swtor credits, this reporter received a foreign bank account executive phone, Hangzhou, said the management of the line is currently available for a period of 3 months or so of financing products, guaranteed income, annual yield of 5.4%. The Manager admitted, as products of the huge losses that negative foreign-funded banks constantly, they are also developing some low windInsurance, financial products suitable for domestic investors to restore foreign bank products leave a bad impression of poor earnings in the minds of investors. Industry insiders said foreign financial products was a gradual transformation, design of complex structured products circulation reduces, now mostly linked to LIBOR structural products. Relative to linking offshore funds, stock indices, commoditiesSubject, such as product, linked to LIBOR, less volatile. In addition, compared to the Chinese like to release some short-term financing products, favored foreign banks still issuing long-term products, at present, several foreign bank is offering is more than one-year term, the East Asian "cattle Xiong Shuangying 20", American "linked to MSCI Taiwan index Australian dollar bills", DBS "Unit benefit "1159th financial products, such as periods of up to 5 years.

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