Monday, June 11, 2012

high-end customers SWTOR Credits high-end customers - WKFR

129823520631250000_217Thinking of informatization construction of city commercial banks City firm "Twelve-Five" during the new situation, to pinpoint their location, and with IT, technology-driven business model innovation of products and services. Planning and construction of IT from various sources, the use of advanced and proven scientific application architecture supporting Bank business development and building. The "Twelve-Five" period, in speeding up the transformation of economic development all over the country and strategic adjustment of economic structureBackground, all levels of Government, industry and individuals according to its own characteristics, its economy and way of life are undergoing profound changes. While scientific and technological innovation has made it the business and generate new breakthrough business model. City commercial banks based on current market conditions and competitive situation, need to look at the market and customer, the corresponding products and services are undergoing profound changeLeather. How will IT support system to meet business development under the new situation. IT development and business model will be adjusted accordingly, and how to form new strategies and tactics, which have led us to engage in in-depth analysis and research. Business innovation development as China's economy continues to maintain a steady and fast development, city commercial banks operating environment face significant and profound changes. City commercial banks need to change the mode of development as soon as possible, achieve the intensive, content-type, with efficiency and quality as the core of a new development model. On location of city commercial banks business creates new "notes". Orientation of city commercial bank "Twelve-Five" period, city commercial banks to serve the local economy and will focus more on the transformation of government functions to the service sector, key industries and keyConstruction of financial services. In serving the community, more concerned about people "hospital food" by means of science and technology innovation, build people's livelihood financial services platform. In the service of SMEs, will start from the base, provide SME business with payment and settlement of financial services, and gradually establish a scientific system of enterprise credit and provide automatic by means of science and technology on this basis andSemi-automatic "operations" financial innovation of products and services. In the exploration of new areas of business and innovation, more attention and modern development of new sectors of the economy (such as e-commerce, and so on), innovative business models, combining characteristics of regional economic development and innovation of modern science and technology, jointly to build financial services platform, to better serve the local economy, expanding the scale of financial services and fanWai SWTOR Credits, creating new profit growth point, achieve win-win of good social and ecological environment. Drive business innovation of science and technology under the new economic environment, science and technology innovation to promote rapid economic development and transformation of the business models, business innovation will be even more in the future and develop a high degree of integration of technology innovation, with IT's advanced technology and rapid development in the field of rapid infiltrationThoroughly, actively developing IT application of science and technology innovation, promoting the innovation of business models and product services. To financial business innovation to promote the development of science and technology now is mainly reflected in the following areas: financial services platform. City line through IT platform technologies, 3G of mobile Internet technology, electronic payment technology, super modern development of the second generation online banking and payment technologies,Financial services platform of innovative business models. Livelihood financial services platform for creating multiple benefits the people of the region, such as: convenient platform for interactive mobile services to the public, the health care and social security and health, education and campus financial services financial services platform platform, the civil service, driver's financial services financial services platform platform. Needs of the residents in cities and towns, "food, medicine, shelter, Row ", the growing demand for quality of life. Support for improving the social security system, expanding the supply of public services, strengthening social assistance, speeding up the urbanization process of local characteristics. Promotion of urban and rural residents live more honest rich. E-commerce applications. Today's e-commerce is the Internet "crowd out" bubble really broke out after a direct product, is a new network technologyShow directions. As the network economy era really come, e-commerce, with its inherent characteristics of openness, scalability, low cost and high efficiency, driving global network of economic development, it is only as a new form of trade has far exceeded the value of. Progressive development of e-commerce will change the enterprise not only its own production operations and management activities, will also affect theFunctions of the entire socio-economic. Around the world, and China's e-commerce market, continued to surge in development, more explosive growth in China. Future of city commercial banks should take the explosion of e-commerce opportunities, and technical means of the use of the Internet and e-commerce development and innovation of science and technology, and to full integration in the areas of e-commerce. First, the use of e-commerceMarketing and business models, integration of existing electronic banking features and establish the "online financial supermarket", build the Bank's financial products and services, e-commerce platform, e-commerce business models and marketing tool for reference, innovative financial products, services and marketing. Through the application of IT technology innovation, Bank portals, online banking, online shopping, call center,Full integration of banking and other electronic channels. Integration work in business process management and background production and management, "business penetration"-innovative e-banking development model, to further promote the "customer-centric" marketing and service system construction and development, and business model innovation. Such as: mobile contactless payments and the paid remote, Use of touch-screen and video technology enhance human-computer interaction, such as identification of new experiences, new technology to enhance security level for e-banking, the use of SNS and microblogging network such as new modes of life, and so on, to marketing and service innovation. In addition, personalized service are important characteristics of the development of electronic banking, banks can make use of databases and data mining technology for fully exploitingNeed to enhance awareness and understanding of customer needs, providing customers more relevant financial products and services, establish a "customer-centric" marketing concept, design in all its products and services to meet customer needs as the starting point, create featured product to win customer trust. Second, city commercial banks will also further build "online" integration of e-business and deepen customerServices. Customer business on line and offline consumption among businesses and entities closely, make full use of the existing and potential resources to core resources, such as: modern electronic payments clearing, electronic reconciliation, trade finance, credit ratings, credit card business, consumer, quota management, establishing mutually beneficial win-win, better than the third-party payment system of e-business marketing platform and services. AndMake full use of regional advantages, such as regional economic characteristics, in-depth analysis of industry of CCP, our product innovation, electronic banking and real integration of CCP, building of CCP platform and network environment, expanding service means and through a variety of rich content, services marketing, such as "zero threshold" online account sign-up, integral Union, micro-blogging, SNS communities, innovative means of paymentMeans, experiential marketing, merchants settled in e-business, customer integration in the business district, banks ' overall take on CCP's financial services needs, ultimately benefiting from e-business, achieve win-win situations a benign cycle. Small micro-enterprises. Through the Internet, image and data processing technology continues to improve, to launch small micro-enterprise innovation "credit online supermarket" and "specializes in solutions"Two levels of financial services model. The characteristics of different types of small micro-enterprises providing financial services, and by means of advanced technology and full integration of e-commerce platforms, shared customers, sharing e-commerce platform business transactions such as payment information, credit information, and comprehensive information. To achieve the customer needs, and for different target customers provide satisfactory service. InInformation management. With the IT technology in huge amounts of data storage, processing, handling wow cd-key, and safety and other aspects of technology continues to progress, and for city commercial banks to establish production data management and data governance, promoting the construction of standardization, standardization, and quality of the data provided strong technical support. New data-processing technology to enhance the capacity of information data bank. The basis ofContinuously enriching the front desk on the underlying data source, continue to widen the breadth and depth of data accumulation and integration of business information. Effectively supports the establishment and operation of a wide variety of business information model. Meet marketing, statistical analysis, decision support, risk management and the implementation of the new capital accord and other requirements, continue to enhance the ability to use data analysis, data mining capabilities and depth. TheseCity commercial banks for the future introduction of advanced management concepts, business innovation, business benefits of changes in the pattern of sustained and healthy growth and business development, has laid a good basis. IT construction of the future development of city commercial banks to go its own way, by working with the local economy and full integration of the development of science and technology innovation, to achieve their development goals, therefore IT construction of city commercial banksWay of how to "walk", is particularly important. So we first have to clear IT of city commercial banks development. IT contains mainly the construction of city commercial banks IT construction planning, implementing two-aspect of the construction of IT. In close connection with the firm's business development plan, adapt to the changes and development of the new situation, carrying out construction work IT will be all the study of city commercial banks need to focusTaking into account the work of one. IT planning for IT planning, you first need to meet the needs of future business development, must therefore be fully based on Bank Development (three-to five-year) strategic planning, business objectives and IT vision, strategy of informatization construction in the near future and other constraints (such as regulatory requirements, market environment, and so on). Second, comprehensive analysis of the present situation of Bank business and IT,Includes analysis of current business support IT governance analysis, applied systems analysis, analysis of IT service management, infrastructure analysis, and so on. In addition, to make reference to relevant industry experience and advanced concepts at home and abroad, and through proper methodology and policy selection on the above basis, making IT governance in line with the business strategy development application planning, IT architecture planning,IT data schema planning, IT technical architecture planning and planning of IT infrastructure. The IT planning process, to straighten out the relationship between business and IT-building complex. First Bank's business strategy is the foundation of information systems planning, business structure defined by the business strategy. Business organizational structure design in the business structure, business processes, design and information architectureDesign. According to the design of the operational framework for the development of Bank IT plan, derived from the business structure in the organizational structure of IT planning and governance IT organization structure; derived from the business architecture of business processes in application functionality in IT planning framework, further inferred schema; derived from the business architecture information architecture in IT planning data in the schema. IT planningApplication architecture to support business architecture, data architecture supports information architecture and IT planning interaction between application of schema and data schema, common business schema. Based on application and data architecture in IT planning, and advanced technology development trends, determine its technical architecture, applications to support the schema and data schema. According to the scientific method for IT planning,Also depending on the current situation of development of business and IT is required to determine the general idea of IT construction and implementation paths. IT applied to IT application architecture architecture design planning, for example, usually of modern commercial bank management, primarily from product innovation, marketing, and customer service processes, channels, risk, regulatory compliance, financial and performance management, Office and eight businessDimension of the implementation of digital business management. Current city commercial banks in business development and capacity-building goals, will work around the product innovation, customer service, finance Diablo 3 gold, process optimization, and marketing channels and performance area, the five main business areas and market competitiveness of banks are closely related, to protection of city commercial banks to quickly acquire new customers, increase market share in the region. WhileAlso in the business building process, establish and improve the IT infrastructure and IT security system to ensure continuous operation of city commercial banks business, as the next step to achieve scale and meticulous management to lay a good foundation. Over the next three to five years after this city from its risk control, compliance, Office and strengthening capacity-building in management, these three areas andBank for modernization of modern corporate governance framework, risk control system, and directly related to the realization of the objectives of the strategic development of city commercial banks. Supporting the eight business areas of IT applications must be in accordance with an industry-State of the art, flexible and extensible application framework to deploy and connect, meet through interaction and sharing of information between them, to complete BankOperation and management of requirements. Future city business application IT framework should therefore be closely in line with business development, and corresponds to the city firm business topics, fully meet the business requirements of the eight areas of business, and flexible scalability and stability of the overall framework. As a Bank of proven, effective and advanced applications based on SOA architecture is a layered architecture(Service Oriented Architecture SOA) concept of multi layered open architecture, from division level are divided into: channels, marketing, operations, processes, management, products, services, management executives five business and one of the six levels of the base layer, five of them on the business layer systemConnect Enterprise service bus based application layer and data platform, and through the completion of transaction processing and data sharing with each other. Eight key areas of business application system deployment on all levels in the overall application architecture, the flexibility of upgrading, expansion, trade and information sharing, support the soundness of the banking business and innovation development. In the future IDuring the construction of t, accompanied by the progressive realization and perfection of IT application system, this state of the art IT overall strengths of the application architecture, progressive business operations have a significant role in promoting the city, and will have a leap in these eight areas of business development and progress: the formation of city commercial banks financial product innovation in support of effective tools, and a full range of solid customer marketingService system, promoting the improvement of process-oriented Bank, provide a wide range of services, providing a more scientific and comprehensive risk management and control, effectively support financial and performance improvement, ready to meet regulatory compliance requirements, promote the efficient functioning of the Office and management. IT construction implementation of shop floor implementation of new IT architecture must be based on strategic planning,Urgency of needs, as well as architecture and system improvement of actual requirements. Will be implemented are divided into two levels, respectively, that is, "a comprehensive capacity-building" and "professional capacity-building". The so-called "comprehensive capacity-building" the main mission objectives, is aimed at the digital management of modern commercial banks should have the ability of these eight areas of business improvement and construction, and comprehensiveSupport promotion of the comprehensive strength of banks. This building at the level of urgency is the need for IT departments with business requirements and IT implementation, proactive planning and implementation, to ensure the healthy and steady development of the business. Overall business objectives for capacity-building is to strengthen market position, improve focus and specialization in the field of industry product and service innovation, expanding emerging markets, enhance marketMarketing capabilities, and meet regulatory compliance requirements, mainly consists of the following eight major operational areas of overall capacity improvement and construction:--perfecting electronic channels, pay attention to the user experience, based on financial supermarket of electronic channels. --Standardize business operation processes, establish a process of Bank standard system. --Establishing perfect system of product innovation, sound included experiential services capabilities.--Creating a customer-centric marketing mechanism of omnidirectional stereo. --To meet regulatory compliance requirements, improve timeliness and accuracy of the information disclosed as a second. --Establish customer contribution degree analysis of scientific models, perfecting a full line of accounting assessment and performance appraisal system. --The establishment of advanced human resources systems, efficient office environment and stringent security file management. --The introduction of the windEconometric model of risk management, and gradually perfect and improve the comprehensive risk management capabilities. "Professional capacity-building" main goal is "demand driven". In the "full" capacity-building on the basis of, in the case of customer and market segmentation, quickly meet the individual business line progressive professional development requirements, that is, the business "precision farming", "deep mining", mainly in theAnd marketing of products and services in the two areas of improvement and construction, with the professional capacity and gradually improve after, for supporting the financial performance and risk management also needs to further improve the upgrade. Professional capacity-building is the main business objective of specialized "precision farming", various lines of business and management step by step professional development, and gradually improve our operational efficiency and profitabilityLevel. Through the establishment of specialized division system, progressive realization can tailor products and services to its customers, on the construction of performance evaluation system, and ultimately achieve the goal of improving the return on economic capital. From the customer and the business perspective of different dimensions, such as segmentation, can be divided into areas such as key customers or key projects, high-end customers, civil service areasSmall and micro-enterprises, community banking, financial interests in the area, the new capital agreement areas, areas of international business, e-banking, car finance, gradually thinning areas of professional services, such as energy industries. Next to these financial services need to be more professional in the field of special systems and platforms for IT as a guarantee of business. (Author: BeijingIntelligent beauty information technology, Ltd) Others:

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