Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling as of January 30 - PCB

129725023496019344_39Falling dollar pushed commodities after gold stocks all surge Announced by the Federal Reserve to maintain low interest to 2014 influence in the second half, the international gold prices continue to rise, gold contract-month rise in January the United States Super-9%, while the a-share market yesterday on gold plates as a whole rose 1.99% will significantly outperform the market. Ronghua industry as an example, yesterday rose 5.44%, up 27.77% since January. Analysts pointed out that the UnitedReserve commitments to maintain very low interest rate policy, boosted by international gold prices and gold stocks up sharply in the near future, although currently the world's leading central banks not to launch a new round of loose action, but basically maintaining the current monetary policy unchanged, but this is only looking at whether further easing conditions met, a 2012 global central banks easing drama or will continue to unfold, is expected to bring up gold conceptsUnit Dragon out red envelopes. Many different factors pushing up gold prices "can be both from home and abroad to analyze. "GF huafu securities one Analyst believes that" from abroad, signs that global central banks easing drama are bred. First, the Eurostat figures showed January 17, due to the growth in energy prices fall swtor power leveling, the euro zone in December throughExpansion slowed faster than expected, the European Central Bank (ECB) have more time to assess the effect of first 2 times cut, according to the euro-zone December consumer price index (CPI) monthly rate increase of 0.3%, an annual rate of increase of 2.7%. Although December's inflation annual rate for 13 consecutive months beyond 2% target ceiling set by the European Central Bank, but for the 2011An increase in the minimum since August. Second, the Fed January policy meeting to maintain very low interest rate policy, and fed officials previously have called for increased stimulus Diablo 3 Power Leveling, calls for increased buying mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and market QE3 launch expected. Furthermore, the United Kingdom on January 17, according to the national statistical office, the country's December inflation annual rate highest since 2009The biggest drop since April, slowing inflation would give United Kingdom Bank (BOE) more policy space to stimulate the economy. Finally, emerging markets, Brazil's Central Bank has cut interest rates four times in a row, the index rate reduced from 11% to 10.5%, lower borrowing costs in order to protect the weak economic recovery. "At the national level, in addition to the influence of the Lunar New Year holiday, resourcesRise in inflation over the longer term, inflation expectations in the market again, a lot of money into the anti-inflation of the gold investment varieties. In addition, the Agency said that private investment and the big demand of emerging market central banks increase gold reserves, which provide a solid basis for the price of gold rose. Accompanied by a rise in gold prices, gold plate on the a-share market in the near future, eye-catching, big beatDisc. According to the Wind information statistics, in accordance with the arithmetic mean, Shen Wan since January of this year rose gold plate 19.7%; individual stocks, gold in gold and gold gainers, Shandong province, as of January 30, gained since January and 29.47%, respectively. In fact, in addition to the price of gold rising domestic assets into listed companies expected,Multiple factors such as resources and yield increased profitability improvement gold stocks were attractive enhancements. By early afternoon, there remains room to many market participants pointed out that the gold stocks short-term gains huge at this stage should not be chasing rising stocks, but the drama is expected to continue to play in global Central Bank easing, inflation expectations, unspeakable satisfaction under the background of the European debt crisis, investors Outlook can still focus on investment opportunities in gold stocks.Such guangfa huafu securities analyst pointed out that, on current trends, gold stocks are strong stocks in the future once the price of gold continued to rise, gold stocks will be higher than the spot gold rose. To really solve the debt crisis, the world must work together to provide liquidity facilities, compared to a global market liquidity increased in favour of gold going bovine, gold Outlook remains go space.Stocks, gold, gold in guotai Junan securities, Shandong Huang Jinzeng rating. Shandong Gold: company business scope is gold geological prospecting, mining, metallurgical, nonferrous metal products, precious metals, gold purification, processing, manufacture and sale of jewelry, gold mining equipment and materials, construction materials production, sales, and so on. Main products are gold and silver.Production and management of the company principals has two, one is in xincheng gold mine, the mine design and production capacity of 1250 tons/day, the actual up to 1600 tons/day; second jiaojia gold, the mine design and production capacity of 8,000 tons/day, actually reached 8,000 tons/day. Scale of production of the two mines, gold reserves, production, profits, and other major indicators of production and management in ChinaGold industry vanguard. Notice on December 14, 2011, $ 415 million acquisition of the company holding subsidiary stone remaining 25% shares, the acquisition is completed, the company holds a stone company 100% equity, the company's business scope is investment in mineral development projects. The company has a Department of Shandong provincial land and resources of the mineral resources exploration licenses issued by,Exploration area of 16.7 square kilometers of its license, valid until June 30, 2013. Gold bullion: the company has high-carat gold, gold standard, electrolytic copper, electrolytic silver and sulphuric acid and other products, is a gold mining, coal, smelting, processing of large gold Enterprise comprehensive capacity. Company for production and processing standard gold accounted for 20.1% of Chinese production swtor credits, is Shanghai, ChinaGold exchange-the largest spot gold supply enterprises. In the Chinese gold industry first by the London bullion market Association (LBMA) product certification. Notice on January 13, 2012, secondary market outperform 3.9999 million shares of controlling shareholders, and intends in the next 12 months (from the date of the overweight) continued to outperform, periods not exceeding 2% (With this increased holdings of shares).

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