Monday, February 13, 2012

swtor commendation power leveling but reason also more fully - YDX

129725023513363094_76Hainan Airlines slashed the price of 6 billion of additional financing for loan repayment Yesterday, Hainan Airlines (600,221, closed at $ 4.62) announcement said the adjustment programme of non-public offering of shares of stock. When adjusted for non-public offering price of the company by not less than $ 6.42 per unit, reduced to not less than $ 4.19/unit number not to exceed 1.91 billion shares, total funds to be raised intact, still to no more than 8 billionYuan. Hainan Airlines Group stakeholders when interviewed by the daily economic news reporters yesterday said the issuance of implementation according to the established plan in accordance with the schedule for July 2011, is to reduce the debt ratio, adjusted the company's financial structure. However, industry analysts believe that Hainan Airlines the issue's main purpose is to relieve pressure on money chain. "Hainan AirlinesFinancing the urgency is obvious ", some industry analysts told reporters," from the perspective of financing on the use of funds, financial adjustments to Hainan Airlines through the fundraising. "In fact, raise 8 billion for the proposed use of funds swtor commendation power leveling, Hainan Airlines means 6 billion will be used to return Bank loans remaining to raise funds to supplement its liquidity. Reporters found thatOnly in May of this year Bank of Hainan Airlines demand the return of Lanzhou d3 gold, Bohai Bank, a $ 1 billion loan. At the same time, and in July 2011, the company announced additional plans compared to the issuance of Hainan Airlines, although still the total funds to be raised to $ 8 billion, but not below the offering price has been reduced from the original $ 6.42 per unit reduced to not less than $ 4.19/unit. "Listing of publicDivision initiative to cut the price of additional behaviors, the reason can be divided into two levels of the enterprise and market reasons, in General, is a listed company mainly to lower capital market volatility factor ", investment consultants CAI JianMing, a researcher at the transport industry that" Hainan Airlines the fundraising goal is to ensure that enterprise capital chain sound, their urgent need for the financing of enterprises on time lowered the price of additional,To ensure smooth financing. "CITIC building investment and securities analyst Li Lei in the aviation industry to the economic daily news reporters that Hainan Airlines intention of refinancing is very strong, but reason also more fully, its aviation industry profitability is better, there also should not impede on the procedures, the key is offering price and the availability of investor approval, so the lower offer price benefitsIn a successful release. For selecting the timing issue, some people in the industry believe that Hainan Airlines unlikely perhaps out of short-term stock price slid further, coupled with the Board resolution is subject to the general meeting of shareholders and approval procedures of the SFC, is also expected to go through half a year or so, then if market conditions improve, the issue is relatively smooth. High liabilities of Hainan AirlinesDirect concern. Hainan Airlines Group, said the rights issue will help reduce company debt to asset ratio the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, improve the capital structure, improve the ability to resist risks. As of September 30, 2011, Hainan Airlines total is $ 76.909 billion in assets, liabilities amounted to 62.529 billion yuan, the asset-liability ratio at 81.3%. Hainan Airlines, said this issue alongLee finished, combined asset-liability ratio from 81.3% per cent, debt-servicing capacity will be significantly enhanced, conducive to further improve its financial condition, improve the ability to resist risks, and help ensure the future sustainable development of the company. Hainan Airlines also said this after the issuance of raised funds to repay Bank loans, will help raise its capital strength and meltingFunding capacity, financed by a variety of sources into subsequent business to achieve a sustainable future. Analysts pointed out that, to obtain more financing channels of capital operation, this is the normal means of capital operation, but had to face both business risks and capital chain risk pressure, although Hainan Airlines have had a lot of experience in operating in the capital, his estate planningDie against a certain amount of business risk, so the effect is relatively small. Some analysts also told the daily economic news reporter, airlines debt to asset ratio is relatively high, and where the financing is generally used to purchase the aircraft, then mortgaged to the Bank to buy planes or engaging in other business, but on the risk control need to be treated with caution.

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