Sunday, November 27, 2011

playing "lender" role

129667889674834142_183Germany, France, Italy and the leaders agreed on December 9 before the EU Summit recommendations to the General amendment of the EU Treaty in Europe the safest bondType is greater than the results failed to bring any surprise to the market. For the current hot offering two options for resolving Europe's debt crisisCertainly regret sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! For investors speaking, can hope for now is probably on December 9 of the EU's next Summit. At Thursday's meeting, Germany, France, Italy and the leaders agreed that before December 9 to submit a modified proposal of the EU Treaty, laying the foundations for strengthening the euro area financial integration.Merkel, reaffirming their opposition to euro bonds issued on 24th, which Germany Treasury cold a day later, France, and Germany and Italy three leaders in France in Strasbourg, the emergency meeting to explore the current debt crisis situations. 23rd, Germany 6 billion euros of Government plans to issue 10-year bonds, resulting in only 3.9 billion euro subscribed by the market diablo 3 power leveling, since the inception of the euroGermany one of the most successful bond sale. Disillusioned with many people is that after the meeting diablo 3 power leveling, Germany, Angela Merkel, has roundly denied once again launched common eurozone bond concepts.����Many proposals for euro-zone officials and scholars, in order to resolve the debt crisis, should consider issuing common bonds of the 17-nation euro zone. On the day after the news conference, Merkel reiteratedIssuing Eurobonds "there is no need to a little out of place". A day earlier, Merkel in Germany, speaking of the Federal Assembly also stressed that Germany refuse to common eurozone bonds as a means of overcoming the debt crisis in Europe, also criticized the European Commission launched the idea of Eurobonds in the eurozone. Germany economy Minister Roeselare common bond urge Parliament to vote against the euro zone, GermanyYou do not want to borrow interest rates rose sharply. The European Commission announced on 23rd issue common eurozone bonds "stable bonds" of the three options. European Commission President Jos�� Manuel Barroso, said this week, despite the common bond issue will not solve the problems in the euro-zone current, is no substitute for highly indebted countries will need to implement structural reforms, the EU must go through the discussion of this topicPublic and international investors see that decision makers attach importance to strengthening the economic governance of the eurozone.����He said the eurozone if common bond issue, will mean that the eurozone's economic integration process of governance, and fiscal discipline have been strengthened, symbolizes the euro-area Member States have a strong desire to common existence and development. However, some analysts believe that, if you want to ensure that the euro does not split, Issue euro bonds must eventually be included in the option.����JP Morgan analysts Mackey said, although it is difficult to foresee euros debt in the eurozone fiscal Union, but I believe this will be the euro-zone will be chosen path. The European Central Bank "lender" role in doubt is also amid expectations the European Central Bank's role. France and other countries called for in the near future, increase theThe European Central Bank intervention in the crisis, Central Bank into euro bonds, playing "lender" role, that is similar to the Fed's "quantitative easing".����Has always adhered to in the near future by the European Central Bank to intervene in the market to buy Treasury bonds in the secondary market, the EU Treaty prohibits Member States of the Central Bank's outright purchases of government bonds. As the European debt crisis spreadingRequires the European Central Bank as the debtors for the eurozone "lender of last resort" to prevent the loss of market confidence rising louder and louder. Many analysts believe that suppression of contagion in Europe the only way the European Central Bank to buy large amounts of bonds.����Thomson Reuters survey, the industry is expected to extend the European Central Bank's bond-buying program of quantitative easing of probability to reach 50%. FranceIs the European Central Bank to expand to rescue prime movers.����France Government believes that preventing debt crises to Italy and Spain spread funded European Central Bank intervention is the best way, or commitment to become a lender of last resort, France again on Thursday Foreign Ministers Alain Jupp said, the European Central Bank in the eurozone debt crisis more serious interventions "without delay". However, Germany for thisOn the do not agree with.����On Thursday with the leaders of France, Italy and met and talked about the European Central Bank should play the role of the European debt crisis, Merkel stressed the independence of the European Central Bank, and said "modifying the treaties do not involve the European Central Bank". However, with the rapid spread of the crisis, euro zone situation has become even more severe. 20-bit Thomson interviews leading economists in the Department ofExpects euro unlikely to current forms of weathered the sovereign debt crisis. The industry believes that such a crisis could eventually force Germany and other countries to take more aggressive action to rescue. Germany commercial bank strategist said Reina, euro-zone is close to adopt stronger policies to respond to, or action of the European Central Bank to adopt a more proactive, or agrees to release and EuropeHK $. Germany, France, Italy and European leaders agree to amend the EU treaties Friday in early trading, the euro continued to plunge, highlighting the markets for the disappointment of the leaders of Germany, France, Italy and the outcome of the talks.����As of 25th 19:15 Beijing, euro-dollar, falling 0.7% to 1.326 nearby. Markets can expect slightly may be two weeks after EU peakWill.����At the 24th meeting, Germany, France, Italy and the leaders agreed that, on December 9 peak prior to modify EU Treaty proposals have been made to strengthen financial integration in the euro zone. France President Nicolas Sarkozy said at a joint press conference held after the 24th meeting, the three leaders "are aware of the gravity of the situation, determined to fully support and to ensure the euro an eternal and lasting". His fellowAnnounced that France and Germany put forward joint proposals on amending the relevant treaty in order to improve the governance of the eurozone. He stressed the need to modify the Treaty strengthening European integration and economic convergence.����He also said that the meeting showed that Germany and France are willing to support and assist the European debt crisis threat to current Italy Government. Three leaders promised on Thursday, a European Treaty will be submitted before December 9Modified proposal aimed at strengthening the euro-zone economic policy integration, and to severely sanction those who violate the horse at the hete in Member States to lay the foundations of the Treaty.����The three leaders agreed that the euro-area Member States need to strengthen the integration of fiscal policy to address sovereign debt crisis. Some analysts believe that, modify EU Treaty to allow Member States to accept more stringent supervision of budgets and expendituresMotion shows that euro-zone countries, particularly in Germany continues to tend to a long-term solution, but this does not meet the requirements of outside take urgent measures to resolve the deepening crisis. On Thursday, referring to the revised EU Treaty, Sarkozy did not mention the "fiscal Union" is a Word, that is still to be leaders in promoting the integration of financial depth scruples.

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