Monday, November 21, 2011

Apple fans disappointed by do not see the new revolutionary product

129626035116406250_267Steve Jobs ' secret weapon: patience NetEase tech news on October 8, according to a report in Barron 's, Apple fans disappointed by do not see the new revolutionary product, but in fact they misunderstood. Steve jobs is not always have access to home run diablo 3 power leveling, but he is always better than most of the CEO for more home runs, this is where the difference. Many Apple watchers are actually missed this point, in the worldWorried about jobs after Apple in the era of fate, it is worth considering. Apple watchers tend to only interested in home runs, that jobs ' early death the day before, when Apple launched iPhone 4S were fully reflected. Many people think that the new mobile phone over the iPhone4 not much improved. As such, they have not thought of it. Although the AppleFruit share price since Steve Jobs up 7,000% after the reunification in 1997, but his most successful was from continuing work, patience, not shining a brainwave. Jobs at the time of the previous company NeXT, has been slowly developing later brings to Apple technology. IPod is by an external contractor came up with the idea, he quickly captured and through yearsPerfect, it from a small electrical appliance into a lifestyle. At times, Steve Jobs released products start does not attractive, but then earned a large amount of cash. 2009 launch of iPhone 3GS, is the third edition of the Apple iPhone mobile phone, looks a lot like the year before the introduction of iPhone 3G. People had made fun name "S "symbol. Piper Jaffray analyst Jien��mengsite (Gene Munster) pointed out that while iPhone sales in the first year of 3G in the iPhone handset sales increased by 75%, but he estimated that the 3GS in the listing of the full year sales rose 95%. In fact, thisAppear to be derived from a Smartphone, but Apple's growth accelerated. Sales growth, some from Apple adds more mobile phone operators, but it shows: Steve jobs is not to come up with amazing work all the time. He first achieved initial success, then gradually improve, which in turn laying the foundations for further growth in the market. Apple's research and developmentExpenditure, looks great--on the absolute number of shangcai year: US $ 1.78 billion, but negligible proportion of revenue diablo 3 gold, only 2.7%. By contrast, Microsoft and IBM research and development expenditure as a percentage of revenues, respectively and 13%. Apple iPhone global handset market less 5%, although iPhone 4 is most hotSmart phone. Munster guesses, the next 5 years have existed in Apple product design jobs ' of the mark, perhaps Apple TV is one of them. (Muxiulin)

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